A LL A BOUT M E I grew up in Riverview Park and graduated from Muhlenberg High School in I continued my education at Shippensburg University where I earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in English with a secondary education certification. I earned my Masters Degree in Education in This is my fourteenth year in education and I have been teaching eleven years in Wilson School District.
M Y F AMILY I reside in Sinking Spring with my husband, Tom and our two children Madeline (age 8) and Jacob (age 5).
M Y M ISSION : My mission is to provide a secure, challenging learning environment which will empower all students to achieve their greatest potential. I BELIEVE: All students can learn. All students learn in different ways. Students will be provided with a variety of instructional strategies based on students' unique intellectual, physical, social, and emotional needs. The school team, parents and community share in the responsibility for providing a supportive and conducive environment for learning.
E NGLISH C URRICULUM SHORT STORIES NOVEL STUDY Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie by Jordan Sonnenblick VOCABULARY Shostak vocabulary workbook (Check out the online resources available!) WRITING GRAMMAR Daily MUG SHOTZ (Mechanics, Usage, Grammar) PSSA PREPARATION MYTHOLOGY DRAMA A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens
H OMEWORK AND G RADING P OLICY HOMEWORK All assignments and long term project due dates will be posted on the board daily. Students will have weekly vocabulary homework and quizzes. Please check for an orange vocabulary workbook…it should be coming home daily!! In the event that a student is absent, please check the homework hotline. All assignments are posted daily. You can access the homework hotline through our school website. GRADING Summative assessments (tests, essays, speeches, projects, etc.) Homework (vocabulary lessons, grammar practice, etc.) Other (quizzes, class work, MUG shotz, journals, etc.) **As per district policy, a student’s quarterly grade will be calculated based on the following weighted system: summative assessments (60%), other (30%), and homework (10%).
T HANK YOU FOR COMING THIS EVENING AND SHARING IN YOUR STUDENT ’ S EDUCATION !! I am positive that we will have a very successful school year here at Wilson West Middle School!! Contact Information: Phone: ext Please feel free to contact me at any time! ****Please be sure to check out the biopoems that your students have written during the first week of English class. They have posted them on their lockers for you to see!!