THE EMC EFFECT Page.1 Building the ESN Infrastructure Doing business without barriers EMC Enterprise Storage Network
THE EMC EFFECT Page.2 Agenda Fibre Channel Basics Enterprise Storage Network (ESN) Introduction ESN Connectivity — Direct Connect — FC-AL Hubs — Connectrix Fibre Channel Director ESN Access Control — Zoning — Volume Logix Case Studies
THE EMC EFFECT Page.3 Fibre Channel Characteristics High speed serial data transfer Unaware of content of information being transferred Simultaneously supports multiple protocols Potential connectivity of millions of devices Increases distance between devices Network that performs channel operations
THE EMC EFFECT Page.4 Fibre Channel Channels Networks Fibre Channel High Performance Low Protocol Overhead Dynamic Configuration Extended Distance Multi-system Connectivity Static Configuration Short Distance Single System Connectivity Low Performance High Protocol Overhead Network that performs channel operations!
THE EMC EFFECT Page.5 Fibre Channel Architecture FC4 FC3 FC2 FC1 FC0 SCSIHIPPIESCONIPATM COMMON SERVICES FRAMING/FLOW CONTROL ENCODE/DECODE 12.5 MB/sec 25 MB/sec 50 MB/sec 100 MB/sec Future Higher Rates A layered protocol stack similar to OSI FC0-FC2 provide transport services FC3 not currently implemented FC-4 provides encapsulation of other protocols
THE EMC EFFECT Page.6 ANSI Fibre Channel Standards Protocol Mappings (FC-4) —SCSI FCP Fibre Channel Protocol for SCSI-3 Physical Signaling (FC-0, FC-1, FC-2) —FC-PH Fibre Channel Physical and Signaling —FC-PH-2 Fibre Channel 2nd Generation Physical and Signaling —FC-PH-3 Fibre Channel 3rd Generation Physical and Signaling Topologies and Services —FC-FG Fibre Channel Fabric Generic —FC-AL Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop —FC-AL-2 Fibre Channel 2nd Generation Arbitrated Loop —FC-SW Fibre Channel Switched Fabric
THE EMC EFFECT Page.7 Fibre Channel Classes of Service Class 1 - dedicated connection, flow controlled, acknowledged Class 2 - connectionless, multiplexed, flow controlled, acknowledged Class 3 - connectionless, multiplexed, flow controlled, datagram Class F - inter-switch communications Class 4 - fractional bandwidth, quality of service, virtual channels
THE EMC EFFECT Page.8 Fibre Channel Topology Terms Node - An end point in the network Link - A connection between two nodes Fabric - Multiple Fibre Channel switches interconnected and using Fibre Channel methodology for linking nodes and routing frames n a Fibre Channel network N_Port - Node port, a port at the end of a point-to-point link. NL_Port - A port which supports the arbitrated loop topology F_Port - Fabric port, the access point of the fabric which connects to a N_Port FL_Port - A fabric port which connects to a NL_Port E_Port - Expansion port on a switch. Links multiple switches. G_Port - A port on a switch with the ability to function as either a F_Port or a E_port. GL_Port - A port on a switch with the ability to function as either a FL_Port or a E_Port. HBA - Host Bus Adapter, the interface between the server bus and storage network.
THE EMC EFFECT Page.9 Fibre Channel Topologies Point-to-Point - Dedicated link between two ports. Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop (FC-AL) - Shared interconnect between 2 to 126 nodes. Fibre Channel Switched Fabric (FC-SW) - Dynamic connectivity between greater than 16 million nodes.
THE EMC EFFECT Page.10 Point-To-Point Dedicated full bandwidth connection two nodes No special protocol required to gain access to the link Basic fabric connection type N_Po rt
THE EMC EFFECT Page.11 FC-AL Hub NL_Po rt FC Hub Physical star, Logical loop (FC- AL) 2 to 126 nodes per loop Nodes arbitrate for control of the loop One full bandwidth circuit open at a time
THE EMC EFFECT Page.12 Switched Fabric (FC-SW) F_Po rt FC Switch N_Po rt Point-to-point connection between each node and the switch N x 100 MB/sec scaled bandwidth N/2 simultaneous full bandwidth circuits Greater than 16 million nodes per fabric EMC Connectrix!
THE EMC EFFECT Page.13 Fabric Services FCP SCSI-3 FCP SCSI-3 FA Host Switch Symmetrix Fabric Login (FLOGI) Port Login (PLOGI) Simple Name Service (SNS) login supported by switch Buffer-to-buffer flow control between nodes and switch Fabric Controller routes frames between nodes Class 3 implemented today SNS Login Server Fabric Controller
THE EMC EFFECT Page.14 Fabric Zoning Zone 1 Zone 2 Creates logical subsets of devices Devices can only “talk” to devices in the same zone Increases control of the fabric
THE EMC EFFECT Page.15 Switch versus Hub Comparison SWITCHESHUBS FC-SW Architecture scaleable to millions of connections. Bandwidth per device stays constant with increased connectivity. Bandwidth is scaleable relative to connections. Switch software includes robust capabilities for managing a topology. FC-AL is limited to 127 devices. (substantially fewer connections can be implemented for ideal system performance). Bandwidth per device diminishes with increased connectivity. Aggregate bandwidth is NOT scaleable relative to connections. Limited software management functionality.
THE EMC EFFECT Page.16 Data Flow Comparison Hub (loop) - Nodes arbitrate for shared bandwidth. Switch (fabric) - Full bandwidth on each link.
THE EMC EFFECT Page.17 Supported Media Types Media Distance Copper (Twinax)30 Meters Multimode Fiber, 62.5 Micron175 Meters Multimode Fiber, 50 Micron500 Meters Singlemode Fiber, 9 Micron10 Kilometers