Project Welcom Call for proposals KN09TMK002 Programme Let’s Do It Together
Welcome Duration of the project: 7 months Budget : EEK Focus group: 140 from Ida-Virumaa unspecified citizenship, third countries citizens, bad Estonian language knowledge 30 people from organizations in Tallinn
Aims of the project to promote integration in Estonian society people who live in Estonia could share the same values and form an active part of civic society to support activities of organizations where are members of mixed nations or Russians majority to establish networks between Estonian and Russian speaking organizations
Aims of the project to improve Estonian language knowledge in conversation (dissemination of information) to increase social and economic integration
How did we find the focus group Good experience in co-trainings and study visits in previous projects of Civil Training and QUIN Estonia Good network and contacts in Ida –Virumaa for mapping and organizing participants Willingness of Ida –Virumaa people for cooperation
Activities of the project WELCOME 1st activity: Welcome to the Song Festival in Tallinn 5th July Seminar on wheels: participants from Ida-Virumaa (44) were introduced to each other, Estonian traditions and national clothes, introduction of some Estonian songs (translation and melody), stories about regions (3) and important historical places we passed through Excursion in Estonian Open Air Museum in Rocca al Mare: how did live Estonians 140 years ago when the song festival tradition began. At the museum there were waiting for us Civil Training and QUIN Est. members (11) to send participants and give them explanations
Feedback of the 1st activity. Rocca al Mare Museum Nobody of this group had never been in Rocca al Mare museum and therefor the old-time culture of Estonians was for all inetresting A woman from Siberia recognized the similarity of a wooden house from her childhood. It showed us that we are in our cultures more nearer we have ever imagined Some opinions more: I didn’t know anything about Estonian culture, now I want to know more and more; there could be organized more such kind of excursions; fantastic museum - even farms with live domestic animals (pigs, sheeps, horses);
1st activity (continue) Final concert of the Song Festival in Lauluväljak We were waitid to Lauluväljak by 21 local participants, friends and members of our NGOs They leaded or guests to their places in Lauluväljak, explained what is coming on, answered questions and were sitting all friendly together
Friends meet us in Lauluväljak to show the way to our places
Tickets and programmes dissemination
At the monument of the Song Festival
Emotional support
Feedback from participants. Song Festival A huge festival, a lot of people and so many singers Wonderful, impressive show what smelts nations together You have to see this festival even once in your life time Great, great feeling of a huge fusion This festival connected nations I was the first time on Lauluväljak and it was amazing I had never heard about the Estonian song festival. It was unbelievably high and thrilling feeling ( a guest from Moscow) Why there was not told us about this festival?
2nd activity: Welcome to Riigikogu! There were all together about 300 people who wanted to come from Ida-Virumaa to Riigikogu. Our bus - only 46 places. Seminar on wheels: participants were introduced to each other; There was told about : construction of the Estonian polity, government and Riigikogu; role of local governments and activities of councils; how there will be made government regulations and laws; How could inhabitants of Estonia influence and to be attract to the law making proccesses; how to participarte in decision making proccesses in local level; what are the rights of a citizen and how to carry out their rights; what are the duties of a citizen and how to manage them;
In the bus
Bus driver Juri
Meeting with Riigikogu members
Discussion in Riigikogu
Picture with Riigikogu members
Some toughts about the situation Nothing is changed in this people mind in Ida-Virumaa, they mostly live still in soviet time (social and psychological problems) Many of them have even 5 different diploms of high educations but any idea how do use their potential. (Low awareness of entrepreneurship possibilities and self- confident, any idea what they could do theirselves to make life better)
Estonian language knowledge absens or it is very weak. information. There are mythes: Estonian language is very complicated - impossible to learn. There is nobody in Narva to talk Estonian with. Language learning only by courses (individual work, radio, tv, newspapers, books
Awareness of state polity and citizen society is low (Handbook for a citizen) They have not / very few contacts with Estonians and Estonian organizations (cooperation and networking, co-trainings, business)
3rd activity: Welcome to Narva Welcome to Narva. On Seminar – meeting, a brainstorm “Let’ s do it together”. Themes of this day: Why do I like Narva; what is positive in Narva; what is negative in Narva; what I can do for to change negative into positive; what kind of help do I need; with whom I could cooperate; what do people do in other regions of Estonia where unemployment is high (South Estonia). With the meeting in Narva there will be started the preparation period for a new project ROADFELLOWS.
Many thanks to sponsors! Euroopa Kolmandate Riikide Kodanike Integreerimise Fond
Thank you! Civil Training NGO QUIN Estonia NGO Project leader: Anne-Mari Rannamäe