Zack Lane ReCAP Coordinator July 2012 ReCAP Columbia University
Looks at Music Library circulation activity Is only one measure of collection usage Presents data both Music specific and system-wide Circulation Desk uses several happening locations: Music, Music Reserves, Butler, BorrowDirect, and HSL Music Library data is available from the implementation of Voyager, July 2003 No circulation data for non-circulating collections ReCAP Columbia University
ReCAP Columbia University Data from Music Library Happening Location only (includes Reserves) Five primary types of circulation activity: charge, discharge, renewal, recall and hold Renewals and recalls are done in the OPAC Happening Location, dynamically by patrons themselves Non-Music Offsite collections charged in Butler Happening Location
ReCAP Columbia University
ReCAP Columbia University Total volume of charges has declined most years since FY04 Gap between charges and discharges may indicate some books are returned to other departments 39.4% decline from FY04 to FY12 Compare to 27.4% decline system-wide) Volume of discharge predictably mirrors charges Upswing in FY08-FY09
ReCAP Columbia University
ReCAP Columbia University Line charts represent usage by year and month Patron Group definitions have changed: ◦ Adjunct faculty, in 2008 grad students were given primary group OFF instead of GRD Pie charts break down data for FY12 only Bar chart compares patron group charges for each fiscal year
ReCAP Columbia University
ReCAP Columbia University
ReCAP Columbia University
ReCAP Columbia University
ReCAP Columbia University Almost 1/2 of all charges are to undergraduate students in FY12 Significant decline for faculty Increase in graduate charges in FY08-FY10 Are changing formats affecting usage? More meaning may be extracted from collection data
ReCAP Columbia University Data for all transactions in the Music Happening Location Non-Music Offsite charges are placed in the Butler Happening Location Data unavailable for non-circulating collections Five pie charts: ◦ Collective ◦ GRD = Graduates ◦ OFF = Faculty ◦ REG = Undergraduates ◦ VIS = Visitors
ReCAP Columbia University
ReCAP Columbia University
ReCAP Columbia University
ReCAP Columbia University
ReCAP Columbia University
System-wide circulation statistics are available for both on campus and offsite collections Circulation data are accessible to all staff Circulation data are accessible Offsite collections can be identified by CLIO location format off,xxx. System-wide data is available from July 2003, the date of Ex Libris Voyager implementation ReCAP Columbia University
Comparison of on campus and offsite collection charges by volume On campus charge volume declined by 27.4% between FY04 and FY12 On campus charges have declined every year since FY04 Offsite charge volume increased 121.3% between FY04 and FY12 N.B. On campus collection size declines each year; offsite collections grow each year ReCAP Columbia University
ReCAP Columbia University
Monthly charges of both on campus and offsite collections are in phase with the academic calendar Peaks in the middle of Fall and Spring terms The pattern of offsite charges is more apparent when viewed alone ReCAP Columbia University
ReCAP Columbia University
ReCAP Columbia University
On campus and offsite charges can be compared using a ratio The ratio of offsite to on campus increased from FY04 to FY012 Offsite collections are accounting for proportionally more activity ReCAP Columbia University
ReCAP Columbia University
Chart compares total volume of charges to renewals for Offsite collections Graduate students and Faculty request more Offsite collections than Undergraduates Graduate students and especially Faculty have higher renewal/charge ratios Over time, these two patron groups tend to renew more than charge CUL may expect to see steady or decreasing request volume as a result ReCAP Columbia University
ReCAP Columbia University
ReCAP Columbia University
ReCAP Columbia University
More information about data sets can be found on the ReCAP Data Center websiteReCAP Data Center website Primary data categories include: accession, retrieval, delivery and circulation Tailored data sets and analysis will be provided to staff via the ReCAP Coordinator Please see the main ReCAP website for general information about CUL procedures and systemsReCAP website ReCAP Columbia University