Lesson 2 Урок второй
What we will learn today: Last lesson grammar practice Days of the week practice Russian greetings Food and drinks Colors Months Family members DO’s and DON’Ts in Russia
Russian Alphabet Table
The number of nouns Noun typeEnding for plural Example masculine ending in a hard consonant; feminine ending in -a -ы стол - столы улица - улицы any nouns ending in -ь, -й, -я-и двeрь - двери земля - земли masculine and feminine with the stem ending in -к, -г, -x, -ч, - щ, -ж, -ш, -и ноЖ - ножи ноГа - ноги neuter ending in -o-aокно - окнa neuter ending in -e-ямoре - моря
1 Книга 2 Браслет 3 Стол 4 Чайник 5 Тарелка 6 Дождь 7 Кошка 8 Разница 9 Нос 10 Работа 11 Год 12 Неделя 13 Слово 14 Нога 15 Подарок 16 Телефон 17 Клавиша 18 Земля 19 Нож 20 Подруга 21 Буква 22 Окно 23 Собака 24 Ручка 25 Женщина 26 Волос
27 Идея 28 Дерево 29 Стакан 30 Хлеб 31 Небо 32 Склон 33 Рубль 34 Доллар 35 Глаз 36 Одежда 37 Минута 38 Таблетка 39 Мороз 40 Точка 41 Сон 42 Календарь 43 Война 44 Баня 45 Машина 46 Мужчина 47 Туман 48 Развод 49 Тетрадь 50 Файл 51 Любовь 52 Копейка
Days of the week Какой сегодня день? What day is it today? kah-KOI see-VOHD-nyah dyehn' Russian word English translation Pronunciation понедельникMondaypuh-nee-DYEHL'-neek вторникTuesdayFTOHR-neek средаWednesdaysree-DAH четвергThursdaycheet-VYEHRK пятницаFridayPYAHT-nee-tsuh субботаSaturdaysoo-BOH-tuh воскресеньеSundayvuhs-kree-SYEHN'-yeh
My name is… Как тебя зовут? Как Вас зовут? What’s your name? (informal) What’s your name? (formal, polite) Меня зовут... My name is… Я...I’m… Kak tebya zavut? Kak vas zovut? Menia zavut… Ya…
HELLO ЗДРАВСТВУЙТЕПРИВЕТ STRASS-vee-tyeh pree-VET (formal)(informal)
Goodbye До свиданияПока da svee-DAH-nya pa-KA (formal)(informal)
Good morning ДОБРОЕ УТРО DOH-bra-yeh OO-tra
Good afternoon ДОБРЫЙ ДЕНЬ DOH-brih dyen’
How are you? КАК ДЕЛА? kahk dyeh-LAH
I’m fine, thanks. ХОРОШО, СПАСИБО. ha-ra-SHOH, spa-SEE-ba
You are welcome ПОЖАЛУЙСТА pa-ZHAL-sta
See you later УВИДИМСЯ oo-VEE-deem-sya
It’s nice to meet you. ПРИЯТНО ПОЗНАКОМИТЬСЯ. pree-YAT-na pahz-na-KOH-mee-tsa
Excuse me/ Sorry ИЗВИНИТЕ ee-zvee-NEE-teh
Drinks - Напитки
Fruits - Фрукты
Traditional Russian meals YUM! ПЕЛЬМЕНИ
Traditional Russian meals YUM! БОРЩ
Traditional Russian meals My favorite!!! БЛИНЫ
Traditional Russian meals YUM! ПИРОЖКИ
Colors - Цвета Red is КРАСНЫЙ Green is ЗЕЛЕНЫЙ Blue is ГОЛУБОЙ Black is ЧЕРНЫЙ Yellow is ЖЕЛТЫЙ Purple is ФИОЛЕТОВЫЙ Brown is КОРИЧНЕВЫЙ Kakoy eto tsvet?What color this is?
Months - Месяцы February 23, 2013 In US: 02/23/2013 In Russia: 23/02/2013
Grandfather – дедушка Grandmother – бабушка Great-grandfather – прадедушка Great-grandmother – прабабушка Parents – родители Father – папа / отец Mother – мама / мать Children – дети Son – сын Daughter – дочь Grandchildrens – внуки Grandson – внук Granddaughter – внучка Wife – жена Husband – муж Brother – брат Sister – сестра Uncle – дядя Aunt – тетя Nephew – племянник Niece – племянница Family members – члены семьи
DO’s and DON’Ts in Russia 1.DON'T talk much in lines for Russian theater or other activity if you are an American...You'll get American price. :-) 2.DO NOT DO NOT stand in doorways or make transactions through one...you may get pulled through to the other side because the space between is a portal for bad things DO realize that if you say, "I like this vase" you may walk away with it...so be careful unless you really want that vase...and its still not a good idea to plunder!
DO’s and DON’Ts in Russia 4. DO wear dark colors...black...black scarf...black boots...pants..whatever. Wear black. And it's cold...so wear layers! 5. DO dress up to go out on the town...mini skirts in winter are acceptable...just wear tights underneath and a nice pair of boots! :-) 6. DON’T freak out – mayo goes everywhere! All the Russian salads, soups, etc. You need to warn your host family (if they offer you a meal) in case you don’t like mayo. A lot of times it’s a very important part of the dish!
DO’s and DON’Ts in Russia 7. DO thank your host family/friends who bought/cooked you a meal/drink even if you didn’t like it! Learn these words – ВКУСНО!and ОЧЕНЬ ВКУСНО! (yummy and very yummy) and use them a lot! 8. DO ask what each meal contains! Be especially careful with a popular Russian meal – ОКРОШКА (cold soup). Most of you won’t probably like it…too exotic! More coming!