L. Taylor 2 March CMS Centres Worldwide See paper (attached to agenda) “How to create a CMS My Institute” which addresses the questions: What is a CMS Centre and how is it used? What hardware is needed? What software is needed? How much does it cost? CMS Centres Worldwide The aim today is to agree on the overall CMS strategy
L. Taylor 2 March CMS Centres Worldwide What is a CMS Centre and how is it used? What is it? Information and communications focal point in institute with LHC / CMS displays, Web GUIs, video links, and outreach. Facilitates remote participation and harnesses global CMS expertise How is it used? Sub-detector DQM, calibration, analysis, computing ops, outreach (maybe some remote shifts if running is stable – DQM, computing …)
L. Taylor 2 March CMS Centres Worldwide What hardware is needed? Large Office (at least 20 sq. m) Computing consoles Each with 2 Linux PCs, 4 screens, 4 network sockets, 2 kW power Videoconferencing Main centres have a permanently running high-quality video link -P5 Control Room and CMS CERN, FNAL, DESY Other centres use EVO (cheaper) -Propose to establish permanent EVO meeting rooms for CMS communities Outreach Large TVs / projectors running e.g. CMS-TV, posters, exhibits …
L. Taylor 2 March CMS Centres Worldwide What software is needed? CERN Standard Linux Only if you want to run CMSSW, Iguana, Fireworks, etc. locally Data Quality Monitoring (web app.) ci2i ("see eye to eye") Web app. Manage displays, groups, users, logins, hardware, operations plans - “CMS-TV” Web application Bundle many URLs to form live “TV channel” viewable in Web browser -LHC/CMS page 1, DQM, event display - p?channel=1 (F11 for full screen) p?channel=1 Only needs a Web browser
L. Taylor 2 March CMS Centres Worldwide How much does it cost? E.g. CMS Centre with 2 consoles 14.5 kCHF cheaper if equipment can be re-used (e.g. PCs, screens etc.) Total cost if all 182 CMS institutes want a new CMS Centre: 2.6 MCHF Cost per Centre ≈ 7.3 kCHF (general costs) kCHF per console (no. of consoles)
L. Taylor 2 March CMS Centres Worldwide Proposed Strategy 1. Build on the existing grass roots initiatives ~ dozen CMS Centres so far, more foreseen 2. Encourage CMS institutes to create CMS Centres As a local focal point for their CMS work and outreach, and to improve communications with all CMS collaborators. 3. Adopt a franchise business model CMS provides the design based on commodity hardware and Web tools, making it cheap and easy to install / operate Local institute provides the (modest) funds and people 4. Advertise this opportunity next CMS Week New CMS Centres can be ready for data-taking
L. Taylor 2 March CMS Centres Worldwide More information How to build a CMS My Institute (brochure) aper&confId=53327 CMS Centre Web site Contact “CMS Centres Worldwide” Project Leader Papers -L. Taylor et al., “Functions and Requirements of the CMS Centre at CERN”, CMS NOTE-2007/010, 16 March L. Taylor et al., “CMS centres for control, monitoring, offline operations and prompt analysis” Proc. of CHEP '07, 2–7 Sept. 2007, Victoria; J. of Phys: Conf. Series, Vol. 119, 2008.