Parents as Educational Partners This is your school.
What is PEP? PEP was developed to increase parent involvement and improve English language skills. PEP helps you to become a part of your child’s educational experience.
PEP helps… Helps parents understand their children’s school. Helps parents communicate with their children’s school. Helps parents get involved with their children’s school.
Unit One: The US School System Preschool, Elementary, Middle, High School, Trade, Adult Education, and daycare. Ages of the children that attend school. Start date and end dates for school. Vacation, holidays, snow days, conferences. Why it’s the law to attend school…
Unit Two: School Personnel and the School Day Identify who are the different adults that work in your children’s school and their roles. Name the classes and the teachers that your children have. Student’s school schedule. What the school looks like. Organizations and activities that parents can join or be part of.
Unit Three: School Procedures Emergency Cards What to do if your child is absent, early dismissal, or tardy. Request make up work, meetings with teachers, assistant principals, or guidance. Learn about paperwork from school.
Unit Four: Parent/Teacher Conferences Prepare for and participate in a conference. Request a meeting in writing or by phone. Respond to a teacher’s request. Special Education meetings Discipline SOAR
Unit Five: Report Cards and Curriculum Read interim and report cards. Understand NHI, grades, and other information. Progress Reports
Unit Six: Study Skills and Homework Create a study area in your home. Make routine study habits. Use School Fusion and Parent Portal. Look at the agenda and understand homework. Learn about supplies for school and home.
Unit Seven: School Health Procedures Immunizations, physicals, and concussion training Health screenings done at school Medication policy at school Allergies, First Aid, and CPR When to stay home…
What we expect… You must come to class. Bring your class materials. Do your homework. Practice, practice, practice. Please call or if you cannot come. We understand that emergencies happen. To graduate, you must complete all 8 units and practice work.