MRS. FURNARI ALGEBRA II H/ALGEBRA II HONORS GIFTED CLASSROOM GUIDELINES HOMEWORK: For every five Homework Assignments: GRADE 5 completed A 4 completed B 3 completed D 0-2 completed F GRADING POLICY A B C D below 60 F
Write the Section number on all assignments. Do all work neatly, especially if you write in pen. Homework will be checked first thing the next class period. When time allows, homework will be started in class and then finished at home. Students who are unprepared due to absence are not penalized; they will be given reasonable time to make up work based on the length of absence. If you should miss a quiz/test due to an excused absence, you will be expected to make up the quiz/test the day you return. If you plan to use a calculator, please get a scientific calculator to use in class and at home.
Honors classes require a $3 fee. This fee is primarily for graphing calculators and battery replacement. If you plan to use a calculator, please get a scientific calculator to use in class and at home. TEXTBOOK: Prentice Hall Algebra 2 Honors Gold Series
CONDUCT: 1. Pass up homework to the front at the beginning of the period, ready to be checked. 2. Come to class prepared. 3. Your participation is based on your willingness to try during class time. You are expected to work on Algebra II related material during class time. 4. Bring notebook and pen or pencil every day. 5. Three bathroom passes every nine weeks. 6. The Dress Code Policy will be enforced. 7. BYOD - Electronic devices are not to be visible during any assessment.
GRADING: Homework is assigned just about every day. Quizzes count as two grades and tests count as four grades. Extra-Credit will be given each nine weeks. Your total nine-week grade will be calculated as follows: Average of tests/quizzes 80% Homework 20% Cheating will result in a double "F".
ABSENCES AND TARDIES EXCUSED: An excused absence must show in the computer (official attendance) for an absence to be excused. UNEXCUSED: Ten or more unexcused absences will result in withholding credit. (No Credit Appeal) If there is a situation where you are in school and you will be missing class, please see me first.
DETENTIONS: A detention will be assigned for: 1) The 5 th tardy to class and every tardy after that for the nine weeks. 2) Not following the Dress Code Policy. 3) Everybody needs to make an effort to learn and putting your head down will not be tolerated. You will be given a warning first.