This institution is an equal opportunity provider How to Analyze a Recipe Idaho State Department of Education Child Nutrition Programs
This institution is an equal opportunity provider Recipe Conversions and Component Contributions Need to determine how products and recipes contribute to the meal pattern Can use Food Buying Guide or CN Labels/ Manufacturer Specification Sheets
This institution is an equal opportunity provider Analyzing a Recipe Example: Spaghetti and Meat Sauce (Appendix A in FBG)
This institution is an equal opportunity provider Spaghetti and Meat Sauce50 Beef, ground, 15% fat 8.5 Pounds
This institution is an equal opportunity provider Page 1-16 of FBG
This institution is an equal opportunity provider Spaghetti and Meat Sauce50 Beef, ground, 15% fat 8.5 Pounds 12102
This institution is an equal opportunity provider / 50=
This institution is an equal opportunity provider Spaghetti and Meat Sauce50 Beef, ground, 15% fat 8.5 Pounds Onions, raw.5 Pounds
This institution is an equal opportunity provider Page 2-50 of FBG
This institution is an equal opportunity provider Spaghetti and Meat Sauce50 Beef, ground, 15% fat 8.5 Pounds Onions, raw.5 Pounds Tomato Puree.75 #10 can
This institution is an equal opportunity provider Page 2-83 of FBG
This institution is an equal opportunity provider Spaghetti and Meat Sauce50 Beef, ground, 15% fat 8.5 Pounds Onions, raw.5 Pounds Tomato Puree.75 #10 can 9672
This institution is an equal opportunity provider / 50= /4 = /50 =.383 3/8
This institution is an equal opportunity provider Spaghetti and Meat Sauce50 Beef, ground, 15% fat 8.5 Pounds Onions, raw.5 Pounds Tomato Puree.75 #10 can 9672 Spaghetti, dry, enriched 4.75Pounds
This institution is an equal opportunity provider Page 3-28 of FBG
This institution is an equal opportunity provider Spaghetti and Meat Sauce50 Beef, ground, 15% fat 8.5 Pounds Onions, raw.5 Pounds Tomato Puree.75 #10 can 9672 Spaghetti, dry, enriched 4.75Pounds
This institution is an equal opportunity provider / 50= /4 = /50 =.383 3/ / 50=
This institution is an equal opportunity provider Recipe Calculation Worksheet
This institution is an equal opportunity provider Online Resources
This institution is an equal opportunity provider Online Resources
This institution is an equal opportunity provider Questions?? Idaho State Department of Education Child Nutrition Programs (208)