Pathways to Conservation Careers & Higher Education Opportunities Fostering Citizen Stewards
Pathways to Conservation Careers Goal 1: Seamless transition into educational opportunities or jobs and careers in the private and public sectors; participants should be: a)prepared, qualified and attractive to employers within the private and public sectors with skills gained in the 21CSC i.How do we open the door to jobs in the Private Sector? (Connect with Partnerships and Funding Subcommittee) ii.Connect with Certification Committee on “value added” by certification process b)able to transition into federal jobs and opportunities through a clear and equal process under the 21CSC i.Hiring Guidance around alternative authorities: PLC ii.Intro to Pathways iii.Create federal hiring matrix
Jobs in the Private Sector Seamless transition into educational opportunities or jobs and careers in the private sector: Individual Certification Process Identify already existing certifications associated with corps Identify qualifications for relevant jobs Identify gaps – where qualifications/skills needed for jobs are missing certifications to meet those skills Missing: Partnerships in Job-Certification alignment (unions, community colleges/universities, businesses, non- profits) Connect with Partnerships and Funding Identify “value added” as perceived by employers and educational institutions Connect with Certification and Impact
Jobs in the Federal Sector Seamless transition into jobs and careers in the public sectors; Streamline the competitive hiring process Align hiring standards and job qualifications with experience gained (certifications) in the 21CSC Establish entry points into federal jobs and opportunities through a clear and equal process i.Hiring Guidance around alternative authorities: PLC i.Implementation of authority ASAP ii.Intro to Pathways iii.Create federal hiring matrix to be available to both partner organizations and federal hiring officials
Certifications, Career Matching, and Creating Community Goal 2: Systems and practices which create real and virtual communities within and around the 21CSC; an online platform which enables a few things: a)Interaction between 21CSC participants, staff, program managers and partners b) Tracking hours and certifications while allowing users to find new certifications and programs c)Matching experience, certifications and interests to higher education opportunities, internships/apprenticeships and jobs in the private and federal sectors d)Alumni Network e)Continuing classes, certifications, opportunities Need: Identify existing models – establish partnerships
21CSC Work Readiness Life Skills Leadership Development Support Services Civic Development Skills Training / Certification Post Secondary Education Apprenticeship /Internship Seasonal Work/ Subsidized Work Experience match Federal Employment Private Sector Careers & Entrepreneurship Opportunities match Next generation of conservation stewards
Individual Certifications Planning/discussion with certification & partner/funding sub- committee Any Clarifying Questions ??
Goal 1: Seamless transition into educational opportunities or jobs and careers in the private and public sectors; participants should be: a)prepared, qualified and attractive to employers within the private and public sectors with skills gained in the 21CSC i.How do we open the door to jobs in the Private Sector Connect with Partnerships and Funding Subcommittee ii.Connect with Certification Committee on “value added” by certification process b)able to transition into federal jobs and opportunities through a clear and equal process under the 21CSC i.Hiring Guidance around alternative authorities: PLC ii.Intro to Pathways Program iii.Create federal hiring matrix Goal 2: Systems and practices which create real and virtual communities within and around the 21CSC; an online platform which enables a few things: a)interaction between 21CSC participants, staff, program managers and partners b) tracking hours and certifications while allowing users to find new certifications and programs c)matching experience, certifications and interests to higher education opportunities, internships/apprenticeships and jobs in the private and federal sectors Goal 3: Supportive community in conservation; create successful pathways to conservation stewardship by maintaining connections and relationships in order to ensure a continuity of experience. a)Alumni Network b)Continuing classes, certs, opportunities