B University of TrentoDAMASCO kickoffDzmitry Kliazovich DIT - University of Trento Computer Networks and Mobility Dzmitry Kliazovich and Roberto Battiti
B University of TrentoDAMASCO kickoffDzmitry Kliazovich Faculty Roberto Battiti (Director of the research program) Alberto Montresor Renato Antonio Lo Cigno Fabio Massacci Marco Ronchetti Mauro Brunato Fabrizio Granelli Technical staff Alessandro Villani Franco Mascia Project Consultants Stefano Poletti Marco Tomazzoni Phd Students Damiano Carra Roberto Gioacchino Cascella Csaba Kiss Kalló Thang Le Nhat Viet Thang Nguyen Mikalai Sabel Elio Salvadori Srinivas Pasupuleti Marco Biazzini People
B University of TrentoDAMASCO kickoffDzmitry Kliazovich Research Areas 1.Algorithms for discrete problems and reactive heuristics Real-world applications require heuristics Local search complemented by history-sensitive (reactive) mechanisms (Reactive Search)
B University of TrentoDAMASCO kickoffDzmitry Kliazovich Research Areas 2.Wireless networks Resource assignment and management in wireless radio networks Greedy, prohibition, and Reactive Search 3.Wi-Fi wireless LANs Location- and context-aware services (see also the WILMA project below).
B University of TrentoDAMASCO kickoffDzmitry Kliazovich Research Areas 4.Cross-Layer Design Adaptive protocol design Closer optimization Joint performance improvement
B University of TrentoDAMASCO kickoffDzmitry Kliazovich Research Areas 5.Neural networks and pattern recognition, location-awareness Partial specification and a subsequent training (optimization) phase Sub-symbolic (inductive) machine learning Adapt services to different contexts and individual users (sentient computing)
B University of TrentoDAMASCO kickoffDzmitry Kliazovich Research Areas 6.Middleware and distributed systems Quality of Service models Seamless and efficient management of networks and of information distributed to the users
B University of TrentoDAMASCO kickoffDzmitry Kliazovich Projects –ADONIS, Algorithms for Dynamic Optical Networks based on Internet SolutionsADONIS –GRID.it, An Italian National Research Council Project on Grid ComputingGRID.it –EU integrated projects BIONETS (Create-net), CASCADAS –E-NEXT, EU FP6 Network of Excellence on Internet protocols and servicesE-NEXT –TWELVE, ToWards Enhancing support of differentiated service LeVElsTWELVE –QuaSAR, "Qualità e Controllabilità dei Servizi di Comunicazione su Reti Eterogenee"QuaSAR –Project WILMA: ( ) – PAT fundinghttp:// design and management of a sentient computing system to support mobile users through a wireless Internet (Wi-Fi) infrastructure. location- and context-aware systems
B University of TrentoDAMASCO kickoffDzmitry Kliazovich OpenLab - The Wilma Project testbed Partners Contact: Outdoor layout Indoor layout Groud floor First floor Faculty of Science City of Trento Fiber LAN 18 Access Points 14 Yagi antennas 3 Omni Antennas 1 Patch Antennas More than 20 Access Points
B University of TrentoDAMASCO kickoffDzmitry Kliazovich DAMASCO Ad hoc and peer to peer vehicular Networking (STM, ISMB, UCLA, UNITN, UNIBO) Unique contribution: make existing solutions suitable for fast changing vehicle scenarios
B University of TrentoDAMASCO kickoffDzmitry Kliazovich DAMASCO Localization and nodes position estimation techniques (WiFi, Bluetooth or scenarios).
B University of TrentoDAMASCO kickoffDzmitry Kliazovich DAMASCO Data collection, processing and presentation (HMI) for ad hoc and peer to peer applications(UCLA, UNITN, UNIBO) Location aware collaborative recommendation The use of ad hoc and traditional wireless networks (3G)