M EDIA I MPACT ON S OCIETY By: Merlin Quibuyen
P ART A : In my survey, each questions have three choices, and the three choices are not just there for fun, they actually have meanings. If the respondent’s answers are mostly A’s, they are more likely dependent on technology. If the respondent’s answers are mostly B’s, they are more likely between dependent and independent on technology. If the respondent’s answers are mostly Cs, they are more likely independent and don’t rely on technology that much. I think people’s answers will be mostly A’s to my questions because in today’s society, technology is more relevant.
M EDIA I MPACT ON S OCIETY Choices Total number of choices
P ART B: I actually find the data kind of shocking while I was collecting the answers together because I didn’t think respondent’s will also choose letter B’s in the choices. Other than that, I didn’t find it shocking because in the end, most people chose letter A’s. In today’s society, most people in this world uses technology in their everyday life. People rely on it more than the last generation because it’s more advance now. Even younger people uses technologies or have more technologies than the people who are older to them. We can’t blame anyone because technology makes our life easier.