1 Solar-Fabrik AG From a module manufacturer to an international integrated solar group
2 Raw material supply secured cell production module production wafer processing wafer procurement solar systems
3 Raw material supply secured Global Expertise Wafer Division Ltd., Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Our trading house for recyclable wafers from the semiconductor industry 100% subsidiary of Solar-Fabrik AG GEWD: market leader in recyclable wafer procurement cell production module production wafer processing wafer procurement solar systems
4 Efficiency through wafer processing cell production module production wafer processing wafer procurement solar systems
5 Poseidon Solar Services Ltd., Chennai, India Our specialist for wafer recycling Mechanical and chemical wafer cleaning and processing Certified according to DIN ISO 9001 and 80% shares of Solar-Fabrik AG Efficiency through wafer processing cell production module production wafer processing wafer procurement solar systems
6 Cell production integrated cell production module production wafer processing wafer procurement solar systems
7 Solar Energy Power Pte Ltd. (SEP) Production of high quality solar cells Capacity 10 MW 90% share of Solar-Fabrik AG Cell production integrated cell production module production wafer processing wafer procurement solar systems
8 Module production: Quality priority cell production module production wafer processing wafer procurement solar systems
9 Module production: Quality priority Quality made in Germany Certified according to DIN ISO 9001 and State-of-the-art production technology Economy and Ecology Production in the Zero emissions factory 2008: opening of the new, third production plant Increase in capacity from 70 up to 130 MW cell production module production wafer processing wafer procurement solar systems
10 Solar systems: One stop shop cell production module production wafer processing wafer procurement solar systems
11 Solar systems: One stop shop Modules highest energy yields cell production module production wafer processing wafer procurement solar systems
12 Solar systems: One stop shop Modules highest energy yields Inverter long-lasting, reliable, innovative cell production module production wafer processing wafer procurement solar systems
13 Modules highest energy yields Inverters long-lasting, reliable, innovative Mounting system fast and professionally installed Solar systems: One stop shop cell production module production wafer processing wafer procurement solar systems
14 Modules highest energy yields Inverters long-lasting, reliable, innovative Mounting system fast and professionally installed Maximum energy yields Solar systems: One stop shop cell production module production wafer processing wafer procurement solar systems
15 value chain completed raw material supply secured promising companies integrated stable growth