Presented by: Nogales High School Counselors Financial Aid
Who can & should apply? U.S. Citizens Students born outside U.S. with permanent residency. Students that haven’t passed CAHSEE* Summer grads; students that graduate fall of 2012
Students need $$ to help pay for college. 2 Sources of free $$ Federal/CA 2 STEPS – Free Application for Student Aid FAFSA & GPA Verification IT IS FREE MONEY!!!$$$$$ Why Financial Aid???
Need-based Grants are free College Grants/Scholarships Amounts vary Work Study Federal Pell Grants (Need)$4,310 maximum per year Federal SEOG (Need)$450 maximum per year Cal Grants (Need and GPA)CSU - full fees UC - full fees Independent - $9,708 CCC - BOGW
Free Application (FAFSA) Completed on line senior year & reapply yearly. = application Questions based on your personal information, i.e. name, SS#, birth date, parents income, age and savings/checking You submit FAFSA you get back a student aid report. SAR – it is also sent to the schools you list. SAR determines EFC – expected family contribution Admissions office of college downloads report
CAL GRANT Program Nogales sends Cal Grant GPA electronically, no names only SS# and GPA How it is calculated Cal Grant A – 4 year – middle income – GPA 3.0 or higher Cal Grant B – free & reduced lunch GPA 2.0 Cal Grant C – vocational certificate declared as goal on FAFSA - $$ tools, uniforms, etc.
Application Process FAFSA – free application for federal student aid SAR to you and college with EFC EFC if “0” or low = PELL Grant (free money) Adults 18 yrs or older can take Ability to Benefit Test & get this $$ High School GPA sent electronically to CA Student Aid Commission CSAC connects to FAFSA using your SS# CAL Grant is determined A – competitive B – entitlement C – vocational certificate
Financial Need Student Budget $17,229 Family Contribution -$ 5,000 Student’s need $12,229 Need = Eligibility for Financial Aid Example
Tuition & Fees Personal Expenses* Room & Board* Books & Supplies* Transportation* *estimated fees Student Budget Includes:
Required Documents Tax Forms –if parents work & file taxes. Cal Grant GPA Verification Form – electronic GPA submission
READ ALL YOUR HANDOUTS Calendar & Workshop Info Document Check list & Tip Sheet FAFSA Worksheet (short) Copy of paper FAFSA with all the questions – your counselor Don’t show up with a blank form
Check with your teacher ahead of time Complete the paper FAFSA and make sure you have the information on the FAFSA check list. Bring any items you need on the check list We will not let you stay in the computer lab to start on your FAFSA if you don’t have your information. Make sure you have some money on your ID for printing (first 3 pages are free) Cash for College – regional financial aid workshop Any senior can attend to get FAFSA help Open to students going to 4 year colleges FAFSA ON LINE HELP
Common Errors Providing inaccurate or incomplete data on FAFSA Waiting to file tax return in order to meet deadlines Waiting until March 1 st to apply Not submitting required forms by filing deadlines Not submitting all required application documents The “early bird” gets the $$ - on time!
FINANCIAL AID FRIDAYS Mrs. Sandoval is available only Fridays for seniors that are not on her caseload during lunch time for ? Your counselor is able to answer questions, too. Please print out or Student Aid Report so we can review it.
Special Circumstances Family should contact financial aid office** if there are: Losses or reductions in family income Death or illness Marriage or divorce Unusual medical or dental expenses not covered by insurance Other unusual circumstances **Financial aid office of the school you plan to attend
SENIOR STUMBLING BLOCKS Time management Deciding you can have a social life on campus without doing homework A “D” in a progress report can turn to an the end. 4 year colleges can REVOKE admissions BE NOBLE!
Check Out Scholarship Searches
THIS IS YOUR LIFE! Take advantage of our help Circle the ?? You don’t understand & get it done Do it early You can list up to 10 colleges on line You can also file a paper FAFSA – FED AID oApply Before March 2 nd oAttend workshop home oMake corrections oGet it checked
Packaging – FA Offer Cost of attendance – EFC = Financial Need. Students are awarded grants, work student, scholarships first & then student loans. Most schools can’t meet 100% of all costs.
SAMPLE Calendar January: Gather financial information; FAFSA February: FAFSA filed by student & parent. March: Cal Grant GPA Verification Due 3/2/10; make corrections on FAFSA if you used 2009 income tax returns and parents have filed 2010 April: Aid 4 year & Cal Grant notification begins – on the university web account YOU set up. May : Aid 4 year & Cal Grant notification - June: Aid 4 year, fee waivers for MTSAC July: Make sure all Corrections are done to FAFSA, community college awards August: Fall semester begins, $$ disbursed Different Colleges Have Different Deadlines
STEPS TO SUCCESS File early. Estimated income information OK (make corrections once taxes are done on FAFSA) Parent can meet you in the library 4 workshop F.A. Friday, ask ? Before workshop ?? See handouts CASH FOR COLLEGE Saturday 2/11/12 NHS Website