Strong Libraries, Strong Societies Annual Conference of the Danish Library Association Århus Sinikka Sipilä President of IFLA
Libraries exert an impact on society by fostering equal opportunities and providing equitable access to lifelong learning and education, research and innovation, culture and recreation for all. Presidential Theme : Strong Libraries, Strong Societies
Strong status of libraries in all Nordic countries Finnish library customer survey 2010: 70 % of respondents stated that libraries have improved their quality of life Impact on literacy – results of Finnish students in PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) by OECD Experiences in other countries On the theme
Libraries change lives
core mission to create a nation of informed and active citizens are safe and welcoming places with adequate space and catalogues, staffed by competent and helpful personnel and equipped by up-to- date resources supported by library associations and IFLA as their advocates Strong libraries
consist of informed citizens who participate actively in the society open, equal and democratic Strong societies
“As libraries serve to prepare citizens for a lifetime of civic participation, they also encourage the development of a civil society”. Nancy Kranich Libraries and civil society
The library is a place full of new ideas. By sharing information, knowledge and stories, we are creating a new civil society together. (Vision of Helsinki City Library for 2017) Libraries and civil society
Thank you!
Satu Haavisto, Kallio Library, Helsinki Finland Patrick Lindström, Vuosaari Library, Helsinki Finland Satu Haavisto, Kallio Library, Helsinki,Finland Maru Peltonen, An African boy in the Greenwell Matongo Library, Windhoek, Namibia Satu Haavisto, Library 10, Helsinki, Finland People in the park, Jonas Tana Satu Haavisto, Oulunkylä Library, Helsinki, Finland Helsinki: Credits