Seeing through the CAMOUFLAGE
Read and Say Something Regardless of personal religious belief, no true student of history can emerge from study without a scholarly appreciation for the significant role of religion in the development of human civilization. II. Which of the following statements represents the author’s belief regarding religion and the study of history? a.Many historians develop a deep suspicion of totalitarian societies and the way in which they abuse human rights. b.Most historians have a profound distaste for ancient documents and torn papers. c.True historians develop an appreciation for the role of religion in the course of human development.
Answer C Conclusion: Features the author’s words and reflects author’s meaning. Other choices are extreme and have nothing to do with anything in the passage.
Look for Camouflage Author’s statement is camouflaged by rewording. The answer choice does not seem right because author’s sentence has been reworded.
See through the Camouflage II Which of the following statements represents the author’s belief regarding religion and the study of history? A.Few historians have gained a complete appreciation for the development of religion. B.Historians should not allow their personal religious beliefs to affect the historical conclusions with which they emerge. C.Serious historians regard religious belief as an important force in man’s social evolution.
See through the Camouflage 1. …no true student of history can emerge from study without a scholarly appreciation for the significant role of religion in the development of human civilization. 2. Serious historians regard religious belief as an important force in man’s social evolution. Do they have anything in common?
CAMOUFLAGE “Serious historians” = “important force “ = “man’s social evolution” = “true student of history” “significant role” “development of human civilization”
Raise Your Score Recognize Camouflage 1.Read each one 2.Think about what it means 3.With that answer then decide meaning of each answer choice. 4.Decide which one represents the author’s statements.
Practice The human condition is unequal, distributing its gifts and penalties according to a wildly haphazard scheme. A person is not what he deserves to be but simply what he is. 12. According to the passage, it is true that the human condition: F.Is a precious gift and should not be treated haphazardly. G.Does not allocate its burdens and benefits according to merit. H.Will become more predictable as human beings learn to appreciate it. J. Is sometimes unjust due to fundamental aspects of human nature.
Find the Camouflage! “allocate “ is camouflaged for “burdens and benefits” is camouflaged for “merit” is camouflaged for
Here’s the camouflage! allocate “ is camouflaged for “ distributing” “ burdens and benefits” is camouflaged for “gifts and penalties” “merit” is camouflaged for “deserves”
Free Write / Spin Partner What is the author saying? Look at the answer options and see which one makes the same statement in a different way. Find a Camouflage!!
DISTRACTORS Four Types of Distractors Deceptive Answers Switches Extremes Choices that Sound Too Nice Handout