The next generation in call center management BestTime to make a call - BestTime to receive a call Smooths out incoming traffic Enhances the customer experience Includes a “Customer Digital Strategy”
In this technical age, customers should not have to ring your company to find out that you are currently unable to handle their call in a reasonable amount of time. BestTime allows your customers to contribute to the efficient management of your call center. At the same time they can be more productive in other activities. BestTime actively encourages communication with your organization using more economical methods. and so providing a digital strategy for any on-line offerings you may have.
1. Caller goes to your nominated web page - They can see the current waiting time before calling - Should they choose to ring now they will be less frustrated with the wait as they are already informed 2. They can choose to receive a reminder when the waiting time is shorter 3. As an option they can be encouraged to use whatever on-line services you have available
Should your call center experience a very high number of incoming calls due to an unexpected event, your BestTime supervisor can quickly type a relevant message into the DMN feature to communicate to customers before they call. It will immediately appear on your web page:- Assists BPOs achieve KPIs as there are less callers for known events DMN can be used to encourage caller initiated cross-selling for special offers
1.BestTime software installed to receive real time call waiting information from the switch 2.Real time data sent to call center owner’s website 3.Potential caller sets a BestTime reminder to be notified when waiting time becomes shorter (call center defined) 4.Potential caller is sent reminder that now is the BestTime to ring the call center as waiting time is shorter 5.Caller places the call at the BestTime for both the caller & the call center operator BestTime does not require any extensive IT integration with your queue – just enough to activate a traditional LED wall board
Erratic traffic means inefficient management Your callers now contribute to smooth management of your call center
Reminders come back to customer’s PC Or via SMS Customer decides when it’s the BestTime for them to call you Saves your center time Saves you call costs NOTICE The call answering time is now below 2 minutes. BestTime to call: NOTICE The call answering time is now below 2 minutes. BestTime to call: BestTime road map has a full interactive smart phone app version currently being developed (as at February 2015)
Abandoned call details are sent to the supervisor in real time via their ACM Reporter Supervisor can click to dial back, or click to send details to the best skills-based agent for them to click to call back Agents know how long the caller has waited and handles accordingly Historical abandonment reporting also available Abandoned new calls Sent to an agent and awaiting call back Call back completed Note: Abandoned VIP callers (CRM look-up) get an immediate SMS
The caller benefits If they choose to call immediately they know the current waiting time and are less frustrated If they activate BestTime they make better use of their time yet still get reminded to ring at the BestTime for them - knowing they will be answered quickly The call center benefits Many callers will adjust the time they call therefore peaks will be lower and troughs higher BestTime ensures smoother traffic, better use of staff time, easier to manage breaks and be far more efficient overall BestTime to make call - BestTime to receive a call
Potential callers not at your web site can still access “waiting room” benefits via your IVR prompts from incoming cell phone or landline calls. They do not see the Dynamic Message Notifications but can be advised of its content via text to speech. Supervisors are notified by and/or SMS when their “waiting room” KPIs are exceeded (e.g. total calls in the waiting room, duration of wait). After a user-specified time, customers in the waiting room receive a message verifying their notification request while also being offered further opportunities to use additional on-line services.
www Now is the BestTime to contact AdvaTel Moray Street South Melbourne Vic 3205 AUSTRALIA Phone: Fax: