eQuality: Continuous Process Improvement for eLearning Quality Dr. Richard Schilke Associate Dean, Virtual College Florida State College at Jacksonville
Our Quality Goal Student Success While Meeting College Requirements (Success, Rigor, and Integrity)
eQuality Model
Point of Contact Dr. Richard Schilke
Quality Matters Broward College, Lisa Ciardulli Yaping Gao, Dist. Director of Instructional Design,
Broward College FDLC Broward College QM Membership in June 2008 “Train-the-Trainer” QM Training: District Director of Instructional Design e-Learning Faculty Associates (22) Resulted in 6 QM-Certified Peer Reviewers QM + BC standards = BC Quality Standards for e-Learning Course Design New Faculty Professional Development: New Faculty - “Building Quality Online Courses” Existing e-Learning Faculty - “Already Teaching Online? Quality Really Matters!”
QM Plan Going Forward Broward College FDLC ALL New Courses: Commissioned (BC Certification – must meet all 40 standards) Non-commissioned (must meet 30 required standards) Existing Courses, over time: Commission Redesign (25 this year) Voluntary Improvement (Certificate, Video Camera, Potential Candidate as eAssociate, recognition on website)
Faculty Recognition - Webpage 8
How the Process Works Faculty speaks to associate dean about developing (for commissioned, all deans agree) Faculty takes required PD training e-Learning sends course development agreement to be signed eAssociate is assigned to mentor faculty throughout the entire development process Mid-term & final review w/ faculty, eAssociate, Assoc. Dean and Instructional Designer Approval Continued assistance, as needed Broward College FDLC
eAssociates Are Key to Success Built-in group for vetting of new ideas and technologies – including Quality Matters Faculty buy-in Legitimacy of faculty working w/ faculty –more personal and more relevant –easier to facilitate – some on every campus –decreased learning curve over hiring new staff Sharing of best practices – eAssociates and faculty Broward College FDLC
Results of Implementation Higher quality courses Increased student success rates in online courses (up 5% in past four years) Master Courses for sharing Increased number of online courses/programs Increased number of technology skilled faculty Community building among faculty Able to maintain academic freedom without losing out on quality Broward College FDLC
Overall Course Benefits of QM Alignment of assessments with learning outcomes Improved course design - better navigation and directions Increased use of grading rubrics Increased use of discussion boards More group projects/cooperative learning More varied learning activities More diverse assessments More higher order/critical thinking skills More student engagement and interaction Creative use of new technologies and multimedia Broward College FDLC
Sample Course Broward College FDLC
Broward College FDLC
FDLC November 2009 Meeting Quality Matters at MDC Developing standards Faculty buy-in Training Roll out Ruth Ann Balla, Executive Director Virtual College, MDC