Parkside M.S. Announcements Thursday October 2, 2014 Panther Day
Rachel’s First Five Thursday: (Discuss the topic) Where do you find inspiration? It’s everywhere—learn to just look around you
Hispanic Heritage Month Desi Arnaz was a Cuban-born American musician, actor and television producer. He is best remembered for his role as Ricky Ricardo on the American television series I Love Lucy.
Cheerleaders Attention Students trying out for Cheer today. At lunch you must check to make sure your name is on the list for physical and concussion training. If your name is not on the list, do not stay after school!! All physicals and concussion training must be turned into Mrs. Harigan before the end of the day!!! See Mrs. Harigan in room 900 if you have any questions.
Parkside Players The 7th and 8th grade Parkside Players will meet TODAY after school in the band room. Please bring your show selections with you.
Quilting Club is full! If you signed up, please stop by Ms. Mattia's room for your supply list. Reminder, NJHS your first meeting is TODAY, Thursday Oct. 2 in the library.
National Junior Honor Society NJHS will have it's first meeting TODAY, Thursday, October 2 in the library.
Robotics Students who are interested in robotics this year can now get their application from Miss. Brotsch in room 902 or off her robotics fusion page. All parts of the application are due by October 6that 3:00."
Chef’s Club If you want to join the Chef Club please stop by the cafeteria and ask for a permission form. The first 25 students to return the form will be in the Chef’s Club The first meeting will be October 14, 2014 and the club will meet once a month after that.
Bus Lane C
Bus Lane B
Bus Lane A