A Framework for Building a Stronger, More Visible Library STRATEGIC ALLIANCES: North Carolina Central University James E. Shepard Memorial Library Triangle Research Libraries Network Annual Meeting July 15, 2015 Presenters: Danielle Colbert-Lewis, Reference Librarian Vernice Faison, Head Music Librarian Karen Grimwood, Head Curriculum Materials Center Librarian Jamillah Scott-Branch, Head Reference Librarian
Strategic Alliances: A Framework for Building a Stronger, More Visible Library Background The James E. Shepard Memorial Library at NCCU has formed strategic alliances with several academic departments to improve campus-wide engagement. Our partnerships have resulted in national and local research presentations, an increase in collaborative programming, professional development for library staff, and an upsurge in request for information literacy instruction. This presentation will outline how our library has established avenues to demonstrate our value and its impact on knowledge transfer.
NCCU’s Shepard Library Implemented the LibQUAL Survey in 2009 Library created surveys Used the survey data to assess and improve library services and outreach efforts Identified allies and potential allies to form partnerships Worked to ensure that our allies and potential allies are aware of the services offered by the library
Relationship Driven Outreach Efforts Categories for Partnerships Research Partnerships Collaborative Programming Development of Workshops/Instruction Sessions Professional Development
Research Partnerships Presenting Positive Information about Sikhism Beyond the Textbook (SCI| Shepard Library |Departments of History and English and Modern Languages) Assessment in Action (ACRL | Shepard Library |Human Science Faculty) The Academic Library as A SafeZone (Shepard Library | NCCU LGBTA Center )
Partnerships Food Pantry Women’s Center Residential Life NCCU TV Studio Center for Teaching & Learning Dean’s Council Department of Music Department of Human Sciences NCCU’s Women’s Center Student Government Association NCCU Child Development Center Athletic Department (Football & Basketball) University College School of Law School of Library and Information Science Department of History NCCU Writing & Speaking Studio Friends of the J.E.S.M. Library Information Technology Services Department of Social Work Dimensions of Learning Crop Walk B & A Financial Services New Student Orientation Department of Art Department of English Department of Nursing Distance Education Department of Criminal Justice School of Business UNC TV Division of Extended Studies
Collaborative Programming Domestic Violence Awareness Exhibition David Walker’s Appeal John Hope Franklin 100 th Birthday Celebration Poetry/Spoken Word Events Women’s Resources Fair Fashion & Art Exhibition J.E.S.L. Authors Club Faculty Staff Development Day Shepard Library and Branches Video Film and Discussion: Zora’s Roots Film and Discussion: Latino Beyond the Reel: Challenging a Media Stereotype Coffee Schmooze National Women History Month Shepard Library/WUNC Radio Station Block Party African American Read-In Declaration of Libraries The Amazing Race: Library Style Monthly Educational Displays Song in the Struggle for Civil Rights African American Women Administrative in Higher Education Student Ice Cream Social Faculty/Staff Publication Showcase Juneteenth Display Library Crossword Puzzle National Hispanic Heritage Month Display Native American Heritage Month Display The Life of Charles LeRoy Gittens: The First African American Secret Service Agent Financial Literacy Programs Celebrating 105 Years & Counting (Pop-Up Exhibit)
James E. Shepard Memorial Library’s Authors Club
Faculty/Staff Publication Showcase
Poetry/Spoken Word
Fashion & Art Exhibition
Development of Workshops/Instruction Sessions Plagiarism Workshop (NCCU Writing and Speaking Studio) Faculty-In-Residence Program Faculty Development Day Workshop (Center for Teaching and Learning) Dean’s Council Workshop (NCCU Dean’s Council)
Professional Development Eagle Reading Experience (ERE) Safezone Training