Using Your Online Literature Book! Holt, Rinehart, and Winston Texas Literature 9 Texas Literature 10 Texas Literature 11 Texas Literature 12
Logging On Type in the web address:
Enter Username and Password Enter the username and password provided to you by your teacher and press “Log in”
Go to the Online Textbook Your teacher will set up the book or books available for your grade level.
Select a Unit and Lesson and Select “Go!” If you know the page number you need to go to, you may enter that instead.
Book Pages Tab and Student Resource Tab There are two “tabs” at the top of the page for you to navigate through various resources. “Book Pages” takes you to the textbook pages. “Student Resources” takes you to printable handouts.
Book Page Features Audio Online Extras: Tutorials, Vocabulary Games, etc.
Book Page Features Clicking on a question will open up the Reader/Writer Notebook
Reader/Writer Notebook The Reader/Writer Notebook feature allows you to type your answers to questions, save them, and print them to turn in to your teacher.
Student Resources Tab Features Under the Unit Introduction Student Resource Tab you will find worksheets for your Academic Vocabulary.
Student Resources Tab Features Literary Analysis Workshop Note Taking Handouts are found here
Student Resources Tab Features Vocabulary Handouts, Reading Check Handouts, and others materials that your teacher might assign will be found under the Lesson Resources for a specific reading selection title.
Student Centers Your teacher may assign additional handouts from the “Student Centers” menu.
Student Centers For example, your teacher may assign extra grammar practice and you’ll need to print pages from the Language Handbook.
Interactive Writing with Write Smart
Choose an essay format and the proper graphic organizer. Open a Blank Version to print a copy.
Interactive Writing with Write Smart Interactive student models allow you to see what strong and week models look like and point out the important elements of the essay format.
Online Essay Submissions See the PowerPoint titled: “How to Submit an Essay: Holt Online Essay Scoring”
Questions? Ask your teacher! This tutorial covers the very basics of navigating the online textbook. Don’t be afraid to explore everything the online book has to offer! You might even be able to teach your teacher a thing or two as we are still exploring the program!