Sprayfo Life Start validation
Dairy sector is facing a challenge Demand for milk growing worldwide Sustainability & durability are issues of today Animal welfare coming up Dairy farms are scaling up Genetic potential of dairy cows develops fast Sexed semen, genomic, marking, etc. So: Potential and value of young calf is growing
Farmers want to be good farmers Manage the farm the best way to Earn a fair income today Be prepared to earn a fair income in the future Have work well organised Have satisfied employees, suppliers and buyers. Have a happy and healthy dairy herd Make use of the potential of their animals
Still we are facing a problem Average mortality in first year still >10% Growth potential of calves still not used Farmers know, but ...... mismatch between knowledge and behaviour
Issues we face in daily practice Big differences in colostrum application Often milkfeeding to low to match calf requirements Especially in first 3-4 weeks Some still feed discarted milk to calves Time of weaning managed poor Housing calves not growing in line with rest of farm
Farmers need to make a choice! Be aware and choose to: Let young calves survive at the lowest cost or: Apply available tools to grow the best valves and develop the best heifers!
Sprayfo has part of the solution Use options in feeding and management to develop the full expression of genetic potential Realise the best calf rearing To achive the ultimate dairy cow performance Longer lifetime + higher milkproduction
Maximum (udder) tissue development Maximum youth growth & minimal disease Maximum (udder) tissue development Optimal development of immune & digestive system More sustainable dairy farming! Lower mortality Increased milk yields Lower culling rates Full expression of genetic quality
No false claims, but proven results
Early growth sets life performance Reference Liquid feed composition, %CP: %CF Liquid feed intake, kg/DM day Total DMI, kg/day BW around weaning1, kg ADG until weaning, kg Age at first calving, day First lactation milk prod.2, kg Bar-Peled et al. (1997) 23 :15 vs. ... : …1 - 61,9 vs. 73,4 0,56 vs. 0,85 ** 700 vs. 669 * 9171 vs. 9624 † Drackley et al. (2007) (1) 22:20 vs. 28:20 0,56 vs. 0,69 ** 762 vs. 795 NS 9226 vs. 10555 ** Drackley et al. (2007) (2) 0,59 vs. 0,67 † 720 vs. 729 NS 8778 vs. 9119 ** Moallem et al. (2006) 24:13 vs. 26:293 1,19 vs.1,09 ** 1,36 vs. 1,27 ** 82,7 vs. 85,8 0,73 vs. 0,81 ** 751 vs. 745 † 9272 vs. 10340 * Morrison et al. (2010) 23:16 vs. 26:17 0,463 vs.1,1 ** 69,5 vs. 75,4 † 0,47 vs. 0,61 ** 723 vs. 729 NS 6508 vs. 6267 NS Raeth-Knight et al. (2009) 20:20 vs. 28:18 0,49 vs. 0,91 * 0,93 vs. 1,13 * 64,0 vs. 73,7 0,56 vs. 0,79 * 744,5 vs. 717 * 12962 vs.13680 NS Shamay et al. (2005) 23:12 vs. 27:293 0,45 vs 0,99 * 1,1 vs. 1,21 * 69,5 vs. 84,0 0,59 vs. 0,88 * 700 vs. 684 NS 10784 vs. 12104 * Terre et al. (2009) 25:19 0,41 vs. 0,9 ** 1,20 vs. 1,19 NS 55,9 vs. 60,7 0,8 vs. 0,9 * - NS 9888 vs. 10512 NS 1 Whole milk. † P < 0.10; * P<0.05; **P<0.01; NS No significant;
Early growth improves later life performance Reference Treatment factor Age at 1st calving (days) 1st lactation milk production (kg) Extra milk (kg) per g extra ADG Shamay (2005) Whole milk -16 +1,320 * 4.6 Moallem (2006) -31 † +1,068 * 13.4 Raeth-Knight (2009) Protein, fat -28 * +718 3.1 Drackley (2007,a) Protein +33 +1,329 ** 10.2 Drackley (2007,b) +9 +341 ** 4.3 Terre (2009) CMR intake level ± +624 6.2
Early growth high mammary development Growth level week 2-8 Growth level week 9-14 Low High ADG week 2-8 400 a 670 b ADG week 9-14 470 a 1060 b 1130 b Final weight, BW kg 80 a 106 b 90 a 121 b Parenchyma weight g/100 kg BW 16 a 15 a 24 b 23 b abP<0.05 “Udder Parenchyma” = milk secreting tissue. Source: Brown et al, 2005 + 50 %
Early growth higher milk yield Growth in first 3 months (grams/day) 705 900 Colostrum supply on first day 2 litres 4 litres + 28 % Age at first insemination (month) 14.0 13.5 Culling rate (from birth till end of second lactation) 24.3% 12.9 Milk production first 2 lactations (Litres at 305 days) 15,918 17,377 - 47 % + 9 % Source: Faber et al., University of Arizona 2005
Early weaning lower growth Result first 3 months Normal weaning 9 weeks milk conc. 125g/L Early weaning 7 weeks milk conc. 145g/L Weight (kg) 125 118 Average daily gain (g) 913 842 Feed intake Milk replacer (kg) 39 23 Intake compound feed (kg) 129 150 Intake mais silage till 17 wks. (kg) 60 61 Diarrhea (% of calves) 3,8 4,2 Respiratory problems (%) 8 16 Source: 769 Nutreco Calf Rearing Centre
High protein no extra growth Result first 3 months Control group; 22,5% protein Trail 1; 26% protein Trail 2: 22,5% protein amino acids corrected Mortality 5% (1) 10% (2) Weight (kg) 123 121 125 Average daily gain (g) 921 898 963 Feed intake Milk repl. (kg) 40,1 40,3 Source: R784 Nutreco Calf Rearing Centre 2008
Delayed weaning option for growth Result first 3 months Normal weaning 9 wks. Excellent conc. 125g/L Delayed weaning 6 wk. Excellent + 6 wk. Violet Delayed weaning 12 wk. Excellent Weight (kg) 119 122 Average daily gain (g) 909 935 Feed intake Milk repl. (kg) 40 46 Intake compound feed (kg) 86 97 94 Intake mais silage (kg) 150 156 154 (Mais till 15 weeks) Source: R817 Nutreco Calf Rearing Centre
High concentration more growth Result first 3 months Normal concentration 9 weeks milk conc. 125g / l High concentration 9 weeks milk conc. 145g / l Weight (kg) 112 116 Average daily gain (g) 832 886 Feed intake Milk replacer (kg) 40 41 Intake compound feed (kg) 91 97 Intake mais silage till 15 wk. (kg) 135 144 Bron: R807 Nutreco Calf Rearing Centre
High concentration more growth (v2) Result first 3 months Normal weaning 9 weeks milk conc. 125g/L High concentration conc. 143g/L Weight (kg) 124 132 Average daily gain (g) 954 1048 Feed intake Milk repl. (kg) 39 46 Intake compound feed (kg) 98 107 Intake mais silage till 15 weeks (kg) 141 149 Source: R841 Nutreco Calf Rearing Centre
Sloten knows impact feed on growth Impact feeding program on weight at 3 months R769 : Early weaning - 6 kg R784 : High protein +/- 0 R807 : High density + 4 kg R817 : Late weaning + 3 kg R841 : HD 9 weeks + 8 kg V839 : veal powerstart + 5 kg (in 4 weeks!) Source: Nutreco Calf Research Centre 2008 - 2011
What to do with this? Develop the best calf rearing program Growth steers intake of compound feed Good CMR more growth more CF Early weaning not preferred; 9 weeks OK High density preferred, esp. in first 5 weeks High protein in CMR not needed
Apply Life Start Concept to get 3 plus ! Growth of > 900 gram/day in first 3 months is possible Apply the right concept farmers get 3 plusses: + 50% mammary development + 9% milk production + 47% durability of dairy cows
Sprayfo Life Start is a concept Sprayfo Calf Milk Replacers Sprayfo Feeding schedules Sprayfo Mixing tables Sprayfo Specialist Kit SCI
Life Start support with Specialist Kit Sprayfo Specialist Kit Colostrum densimeter Smoke test Diarrhea quick test Measure ribbon Scale, etc For daily on-farm support
Steer Life Start with Calfrearing Index Sprayfo introduces Sprayfo Calfrearing Index to provide 1) Guidelines to measure and control; 2) Direction to utilize the improvement potential SCI is a management tool for rearing professionals Analyze and value the Ist-status Address points for improvement Help farmers to rear the best calves
SCI checklist the fundament 9 categories 53 control points 14 key parameters 1 SCI score 7 fields for improvement
SCI checklist easy to use
SCI score and direction clear
Sprayfo Life Start concept provides Complete calfrearing concept The best products Up-to-date application advises Clear profit (calculator to be made) Clear proposition (the best looking-growing calves) SCI to measure, evaluate and monitor improvement Sprayfo Academy to teach farmers and distributors
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