Chandler/Westwood: Progress in Open-Source Collaboration Open Source Applications Foundation EDUCAUSE October 2004
Speakers Jack McCredie, U.C. Berkeley Oren Sreebny, U. Washington –University user perspective Mitch Kapor, OSAF –Chandler/Westwood update Lisa Dusseault –Network and sharing architecture –Calendaring standards - CalDAV
0.4: Our Big Bang Release recap Goal was to be experimentally usable for a few key end-user tasks. More on wiki page andler/ZeroPointFourPlanning andler/ZeroPointFourPlanning Release date: Oct 26, 2004
0.4 What We Planned Goal is to be experimentally usable for a few key end- user tasks: –Enter and edit items and collections –Organize and label items and collections –Share and communicate items and collections UI Landscape: Sidebar, Tabs, Summary & Detail views Initial functionality for , Calendar, Tasks & Contacts Base security framework Elementary sharing: e.g. share Calendar and Contacts
Experimentally usable: Enter and edit items & collections Organize and label items & collections Share and communicate items & collections UI landscape: Sidebar, Tabs, Summary & Detail views Initial functionality for: , Calendar, Tasks, & Contacts Elementary end-to-end collection sharing: Calendar, Contacts, & Item Collections Base security framework 0.4 What We Will Deliver
0.4 Demo
Product Road Map
Major Milestones Ahead Next release: first experimentally usable end-user release 0.5 Calendar “Dog food” release: Be able to perform basic individual and collaborative calendaring tasks within a small workgroup The “Kibble” Release: Target early adopters. OSAF uses Chandler on a day-to-day basis Kibble+ Release - Polish Kibble from real-world usage Westwood Release: for Higher Education Deprecating Canoga as a release target - not targeting groups beyond early adopters
Client Product Roadmap ReleaseTarget DateGoal 0.4Oct 2004Experimentally usable 0.5Q1 2005Calendar OSAF KibbleQ4 2005Early-adopter usable Kibble+Q1 2006Always need a 1.1 release Westwood Campus deployable
Things We Learned Underestimated cost of ambition Hard decisions about product strategy and focus could have been made earlier Proved harder to build engineering organization Cross-platform and rich clients are hard Build and integration work is non-trivial
Sharing: Functional Requirements Synchronize Calendars –View somebody else’s calendar offline –Add events to shared calendars –Discuss availability Share/synchronize Contacts, tasks, Sharing “circle” allowed read/write access Shares should be available >90% of the time Functional Requirements Drive Architecture
Network and Sharing Architecture, 0.4 Sharing IMAP, SMTP HTTP/ WebDAV Clients share by synchronizing to repository
Sharing Data Model SharingServer Home directory Shared Calendar Shared Todos Webdav Collection HTTP resource
Sharing via WebDAV Solves repository access requirements –Browse, search, synchronize for offline use –Multiple authors, permissions Clear data model for any application semantics –Properties –Collections and resources Provides additional benefits –URLs –Interoperability –Known extensible protocol Proven, deployed, open technology –Existing libraries, server implementations, scalable
WebDAV is application neutral textimgvCardvCal WebDAV SSL/TLS TCP Data formats Data access Data privacy Transport Extend classic protocol layering
Future work Add support for Calendaring Standards –CalDAV –iCalendar (import/export) –Invitations via iMIP (in iCalendar format) More messaging options –POP3 –XMPP?
CalDAV Standard for HTTP calendar access –Re-use GET, iCalendar format Standard for WebDAV calendar authoring –Re-use PROPPATCH, PROPFIND –Re-use WebDAV permissions (RFC3744) Support publishing as well as sharing –Publishing concert dates, club events Support scheduling? – Requirement for corporate calendaring…
CalDAV Data Model Calendar VEVENTs VTODOs Webdav Collection HTTP resource & iCalendar file
CalDAV status CALSCH IETF Working Group Closed –RFC2445 (iCalendar), RFC2446 (iTIP), RFC2447 (iMIP) all completed in 1998 –CAP proposal: six years work, now orphaned Effort to form new IETF Working Group –Focus instead on revising iCalendar –iCalendar simplification & interoperability –CalConnect consortium helps test and document CalDAV proposed to replace CAP –Industry support and implementations started