The Marine Biome By Jon De Vitis
The Marine Biome is the largest of all the biomes. It covers ¾ of the Earth. The wind’s temperature actually matches the temperature of the Marine Biome. The Marine Biome’s temperature is also based on how close the water is to the Equator. The climate doesn’t affect the Marine Biome at all. The Marine Biome actually affects the Mainland’s Biome especially the coastal region. Climate and Temperature
The Lotus Flower The lotus flower is India’s national flower. The lotus flower is an aquatic perennial plant. The roots of the lotus flower are firmly planted in the ground whilst the actual leaves are on the water surface. The lotus can be found in Queensland (Australia), India, Vietnam and tropical Asia. The lotus flower’s colors can either be white or pink hues. Research has found that the lotus flower can actually control it’s body temperature, just like humans and animals! It is also a popular tattoo that symbolizes the awakening to the spiritual reality of life for Hinduism and Buddhism.
Bull Shark The bull shark is a near extinct species of shark. It is considered an apex predator i.e. top of the food chain. It is found just about anywhere near the equator and prefers warmer water. The bull shark has an unusual ability that lets it survive not only in salt waters (like all sharks), but fresh waters as well. This ability is genetic and is to do with the liver. The bull shark has no natural predators because it is at the top of the food chain.
The Marine Biome is the largest of all biomes on earth. It contains life forms that are beautiful, deadly and distinctive. Conclusion