Finding My Calling: What Is My Brand Identity?
Four channels for God’s call Everyone – those who follow Jesus and those who don’t – have an increasingly insatiable desire to pursue a work career that fits who they are. So, how do I know what God is calling me to do? Calling is intensely personal. It is individual. My calling is mine and no one else’s.
The way God calls seems to fit into four general categories: By name By placing desire in my heart By arranging a clear path By preparing an attractive option
Calling by name Paul Moses
It might be calling by name if… …I hear God speak. …God’s speaking is confirmed by other means
It’s probably not calling by name if… … What I have heard God speak before turned out not to be so. …I can’t clearly identify the time or place of communication.
Calling by desire: Nehemiah
It might be calling by desire if… …the sense of urgency is persistent and relatively longstanding. …I can identify the “for what?” factor.
It’s probably not calling by desire if… … I am completely unequipped to get the job done. …I quit when I encounter significant hurdles.
Calling by arranging a path Josiah Esther
It might be calling by path arranged if… …Whenever the position is talked about everyone looks at me. …What everyone else expects makes logical sense to me too.
It’s probably not calling by path arranged if… … I have the wrong last name. …The timing is out of synch.
Calling by attractive option Ezra
It might be calling by attractive option if… …The opportunity looks and feels right. …There is alignment with prior experience and/or I am positioned correctly.
It’s probably not calling by attractive option if… … I don’t have the necessary freedom to move toward the attractive option. …The longer I consider the option the less attractive it seems.
Cracking the calling code What is the state of my relationship with Jesus? What specific clues tell me that Jesus may be steering me toward a career/job change? What do my circle of advisors say? Can I discern a pattern regarding how God has worked with me in the past? Is my current career stretching me toward my skill-set, or away from my gift mix? Is there a next logical step?