Presented to: By: Date: Federal Aviation Administration Gulf of Mexico 50 NM Lateral Separation – RNAV Routes Project Project Overview ATO Oceanic & Offshore.


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Presentation transcript:

Presented to: By: Date: Federal Aviation Administration Gulf of Mexico 50 NM Lateral Separation – RNAV Routes Project Project Overview ATO Oceanic & Offshore Operations (AJE-32) 12 Dec 2012 Aviation Industry

Federal Aviation Administration 2 Objectives Provide project overview Review provisions for 50 NM lateral separation Review transition to new route structure Discuss RNAV route design Direct participants to Gulf of Mexico Webpage –See next to last slide

Federal Aviation Administration 3 Background SEANEAM and FAA acting as project co-leads Project coordinated over a 3-year period with industry, ICAO Mexico City and ICAO Caribbean Working Groups FAA Tech Center completed city-pairs analysis –$1.5 million savings for 31-day March 2011 period

Federal Aviation Administration 4 Acronyms LOA………Letter of Authorization NavSpec…Navigation Specification (requirement) for aircraft navigation systems PBN………Performance-based Navigation RNP………Required Navigation Performance RNAV…….Area Navigation

Federal Aviation Administration 5 Terms: RNAV 10 vs RNP 10 “RNP 10” has same meaning and application as “RNAV 10” Reference ICAO PBN Manual, Volume II, Part B, Chapter 1: “Implementing RNAV 10, Designated and Authorized as RNP 10”: “RNP 10” used for GoMex project

Federal Aviation Administration 6 NavSpecs Applicable in Oceanic Operations ICAO PBN Manual, Edition 3: RNP 10 and RNP 4 are only NavSpecs applicable to oceanic operations Advance Edition 4 contains provision for RNP 2 –Not a factor for GoMex project RNP 10 is the minimum NavSpec required for 50 NM lateral separation

Federal Aviation Administration 7 Gulf of Mexico Project: Phased Implementation Phase 1: implemented on 20 Oct 2011 –Lateral separation reduced to 50 NM lateral –Existing GoMex ATS routes remained in place Policies for 50 NM lateral separation distributed to operators

Federal Aviation Administration 8 Project Objectives On 10 Jan 2013 at 0630 UTC, implement new Gulf RNAV routes --- while retaining two existing ATS routes Apply 50 NM lateral separation between aircraft authorized RNP 10 (minimum) or RNP 4 Qualify aircraft equipped with a Single Long Range Navigation System (S-LRNS) for RNP 10 in the Gulf of Mexico – in accordance with ICAO PBN Manual

Federal Aviation Administration 9 Phase Objectives (cont.) Have close to 100% of GoMex flights authorized and filing for RNP 10 or RNP 4 operations Accommodate the operation of the small percentage of flights not yet authorized RNP 10 Airspace will not be “exclusionary”, however, ATS providers advocate that operators obtain RNP 10 authorization

Federal Aviation Administration 10 Operational Policy and Procedures FAA Notice and DGAC Mexico Circular Obligatoria –Posted in Section 6 of GoMex Webpage Documents contain: –Provisions for 50 NM Lateral Separation –ICAO Flight Plan (FPL) 2012 requirements –Provisions For NonRNP 10 Aircraft –Operations on Routes Not Affected By Project –Guidance on RNP Authorization including for Single LRNS equipage –Basic and In-flight Contingency Procedures Note: DGAC Circular being updated

Federal Aviation Administration 11 ICAO FPL 2012 Flight Plan Entries Item 10:“R” (PBN approved) Item 18 (Other Information) entries –“PBN/A1” (RNP 10 ) or… –“PBN/L1” (RNP 4) NonRNP 10 aircraft: –Item 18: “RMK/NONRNP10” (first remark) !! Some operators not yet filing RNP 10 or RNP 4

Federal Aviation Administration 12 NonRNP 10 aircraft 50 NM lateral separation cannot be applied to NonRNP 10 aircraft Strongly advocate that GoMex operators obtain and file RNP 10 authorization to maximize project benefits Single Long Range Navigation System equipped aircraft qualify for GoMex RNP 10 Operators can contact for RNP 10 authorization

Federal Aviation Administration 13 NonRNP 10 Pre-coordination No earlier than 2 hours prior to departure, ALL NonRNP 10 operators to contact Houston Operational Supervisor at Provide call sign, route of flight and ETA to enter Houston FIR Pilots to state “Negative RNP 10” –On initial call to GoMex ATC Center or… –If status requested by controller

Federal Aviation Administration 14 Transition to New Routes-10 Jan 2013 Transition Sequence of Events planned with SENEAM and industry representatives Point-to-point Transition Routes planned for aircraft without updated Nav Databases for UTC time period Transition route chart and instructions posted on Webpage and in FAA and SENEAM NOTAMS (ZHU A0970/12; ZMA A1449/12)

Federal Aviation Administration 15 Transition Procedures-10 Jan 2013 Until 0630 UTC, aircraft will file the EXISTING GoMex route structure. At/after 0630 UTC, aircraft are expected to file and fly the NEW GoMex route structure, HOWEVER…between UTC aircraft whose navigation computers have not been updated with NEW GoMex routes may file direct between stand-alone waypoints identified in the Transition Routes.

Federal Aviation Administration 16 Transition Routes - GOMEX

Federal Aviation Administration 17 Transition Procedures (cont.) At/after 1500 UTC, only Route 2 (A766) and Route 3 (A770) will be available to aircraft unable to fly the NEW routes. If alternative routes are needed, operators must call the appropriate Area Control Center prior to departure.

Federal Aviation Administration 18 Pre-implementation Telcons Wednesday, 12 Dec at 1800 UTC Thursday, 3 Jan at 1800 UTC If required: Monday, 7 Jan at 1800 UTC Wednesday, 9 Jan LOCAL at 1900 US Eastern, 1800 US Central/Mexico time

Federal Aviation Administration 19 Vertical and Horizontal Boundaries Control Areas affected: –Houston and Miami Oceanic CTA/FIR –Monterrey CTA –Merida High CTA Flight level stratum –All flight levels at/above the published MEA

Federal Aviation Administration 20 Current GOMEX ATS Routes with Approximate Radar Coverage

Federal Aviation Administration 21 SENEAM Gulf Chart

Federal Aviation Administration 22 Significant Elements of Route Design A649 LEV-PAZ deleted to move traffic onto M575 and M345 where crossing traffic can be managed under radar L207 will be a new RNAV route between Scholes (VUH) and Campeche (CPE) A766 will remain as published UT40 (DUTNA-SIGMA) to provide new overflight option A770 to remain as published, co-designated UA770/UL209 – A770/L209 south of KEHLI Enhanced routing to CUN for flights overflying CIGAR-MINOW Enhanced eastern Gulf overflight routing: M215- MINOW-PISAD-UL333-DUVMU-UT29-SIGMA

Federal Aviation Administration 23 Route Operations Guidance Document provides guidance on one-way routes, altitude and time restrictions, recommended arrival and overflight routing, etc. Distributed to industry groups on 30 Nov Posted on FAA GoMex Webpage Mexican AIP provides route operations guidance for individual routes

Federal Aviation Administration 24 Gulf 50 NM Lateral Separation Webpage FAA and SENEAM coordinated on Webpage development Information on plans, policies and procedures for 50 NM lateral separation and RNAV routes posted: enroute/oceanic/gomex/

Federal Aviation Administration 25 Questions?