Human Rights and Asia Lindy Stirling Contemporary Issues
What are Human Rights? Interrelated, interdependent and indivisible Universal and inalienable Equal and non-discriminatory Both Rights and Obligations International Bill of Human Rights
What are Human Rights? Making it plain – with a little help from your friends
Who signed UDHR in 1948? Afghanistan, Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Burma, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Denmark, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, France, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Iceland, India, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Liberia, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Pakistan, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Thailand, Sweden, Syria, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay and Venezuela.
Asian Countries signed ICESCR? Bangladesh 1998, Cambodia 1992, China 2001, Democratic People's Republic of Korea 1981, India 1979, Indonesia 2006, Japan 1979, Lao People's Democratic Republic 2007, Maldives 2006, Nepal 1991, Pakistan 2008, Philippines 1974, Republic of Korea 1990, Sri Lanka 1980, Thailand 1999, Timor-Leste 2003, VietNam 1982.
Asian Countries signed ICCPR? Bangladesh 2000, Cambodia 1992, China 1998, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea 1981, India 1981, Indonesia 2006, Japan 1979, Lao People’s Democratic Republic 2009, Maldives 2006, Mauritius 1973, Nepal 1991, Pakistan 2008, Philippines 1986, Republic of Korea 1990, Sri Lanka 1980, Thailand 1996, Timor-Leste 2003, VietNam 1982
Is it binding? Human rights are set out as principles in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. A declaration is not legally binding. It lays out principles and objectives and carries moral weight.
Is it binding? A covenant, convention or treaty, unlike a declaration, has the force of law. The broadest legally binding human rights agreements negotiated under UN auspices are the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.
6 Treaty monitoring bodies Committees of: Elimination of Racial Discrimination Human Rights Economic, Social and Cultural Rights against Torture the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women the Rights of the Child The Articles of the Charter have the force of positive international law because the Charter is a treaty and therefore a legally binding document.
What is the background of the UDHR?
Opposition to UDHR Islamic criticism Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam Bangkok Declaration World Conference on Human Rights The Right to Refuse to Kill
HR issues prominent in media Brainstorm issues you can recall from the recent media around Human Rights in Australia/Asia. Can you sort them by the 30 Articles?
Issues to consider What emphasis/perspective does the exploration of HR in a country give? How do we get a range of views about an issue? Examine articles from the handout
Teaching Human Rights What resources are available for Asia and Human Rights? Pageflakes – Human Rights and Asia
Hard copy resources
Websites - from the online guide See the updated sheet
Websites - from Amnesty Understanding human rights Tour of human rights - Amnesty International CanadaTour of human rights - Amnesty International Canada Human Rights Resources and Links – UN CyberschoolbusHuman Rights Resources and Links – UN Cyberschoolbus “This is my home” - University of Minnesota Human Rights Center“This is my home” - University of Minnesota Human Rights Center What are human rights? – HREOC Understanding Human Rights - Compass Glossary of human rights terms Questions and answers about human rights Frequently asked questions on human rights - HREOCFrequently asked questions on human rights - HREOC Questions and Answers: What are human rights? - CompassQuestions and Answers: What are human rights? - Compass Questions and Answers: Protecting Human Rights - BBCQuestions and Answers: Protecting Human Rights - BBC Origins of human rights The origins of modern human rights laws – HREOCThe origins of modern human rights laws – HREOC The evolution of human rights – Compass The Universal Declaration of Human Rights Universal Declaration of Human Rights Plain language version with notes on each article – UN Cyberschoolbus The 30 Articles of the UDHR with photos How the Universal Declaration developed Human Rights photos – United Nations Other International Human Rights Agreements International Human Rights Agreements Poverty and Human rights Povery and Human Rights - Amnesty International Amnesty International's history and work Amnesty International history: Amnesty International Canada Amnesty International’s 40 years: flash & html presentation Games Wants & Needs game – UNICEF UK Games and activities: Amnesty International USA
Contact: Lindy Stirling