Equivalent fractions have the same value, even though they may look different.
Two equivalent fractions may have a different numerator and a different denominator.
Multiplying the numerator and denominator of a fraction by the same (non-zero) number, the result of the new fraction is said to be equivalent to the original fraction.
Why are they the same? Because when you multiply or divide both the top and bottom by the same number, the fractions keep their value.
What you do to the top of the fraction, you must also do to the bottom of the fraction. So, here is why those fractions are the same:
The word equivalent means that the two fractions have the same value.
Here are some examples of equivalent fractions: 1whole 2 halves 4fourths
If a pizza is cut into four pieces, then two pieces represent the same amount of pizza that 1/2 does. We say that 1/2 is equivalent to 2/4.
The word EQUIVALENT means the same as EQUAL, or of equal value. For example, you can see that the colored part of each of the circles below is exactly the same: