By: Ikea Barnes 8/9 th Period
Mostly every single car sold today is equipped with either manual or automatic seat belts. It is every important for everyone in the car to where a seatbelt for protection. Cars have changed a lot over time, the first car was made in 1885, a very simple 3-wheeled model. The first most important change was the brakes, which were invented in 1885, then came car radio's in 1929, 10 years later the electronic indicator lights were invented, and a year later in 1940 car air conditioning was introduced. In the 50's safety started to become a concern and seat belts were introduced in 1956, the last most important change was the airbag in Cars have changed very much over the years, such as airbags, seatbelts, and even more. In the past, airbag systems were often considered to be harmful, especially for children who sit in the passenger seat. Parents should always keep their kids in the back seat, this is the safest possible place to keep any child.
Human ingenuity (HI): Why and how do we create? What are the consequences? We create inventions to help us in life. Personally I think life is based on inventions. How we create inventions are based off of our own mind and imagination. There are many consequences. Good Good: You have new things that you can live off of.