Welcome to The Pre- Veterinary Club
Officers: Isadora O’Brien (360) o Garret Ballou (253) o Any interest in club leadership let one of us know!
Pre-Health/ Club Advisors George Kriz o Renee Murray o To make an appointment call the Career Center
Lets talk about meetings… Bi monthly o Evenings o Do we want to stick with Weds at 7pm? We will also have club updates on our website: And Garret will continue sending announcements Orgsync
Upcoming Events 10/18 Career Center’s annual volunteer and internship info fair featuring community organizations. 12-4pm VU MPR 10/24 Health Professional and Graduate School Fair 10am-2pm VU MPR 11/01 PET DOC presentation by George and Renee 5:30-7pm BI 234
Pre-Vet Club ! Club Fundraisers o Bake sale o Other ideas Non profit fundraisers o World Vets International Aid for Animals o Alternative Humane Society Whatcom County o SPOT (Saving Pets One at a Time) Skagit County
Pre-Vet Club Social activities o Movies nights (Animal Practice anyone?) o Study Groups Speakers o Local Vets Trips o WSU Volunteering o Wildlife Center o Local Humane Societies