Astral Drive Junior High – May 23, 2013 Welcome Astral Drive Junior High Grade 6: Information and Orientation
Astral Drive Junior High – May 23, 2013 Meet Our Staff
ADJH Student Leaders
Agenda School Focus - Learning Programs/Student Support First Day of School A Day in The Life of an Astral Student – What are the differences from Elementary? – What does ADJH offer Communication/Expectations Questions School Tour/Classrooms Visit
At Astral Drive LEARNING Is our focus!
Astral Drive Junior High – May 23, 2013 Our Number One Goal To Improve Student Achievement
Continuous School Improvement (CSI) How are our students doing? How do we know? How can we improve? What will we do if students are not learning?
School Improvement Goals Goal 1: To improve student achievement in problem solving and communication. Goal 2: To improve student achievement in reading comprehension with a focus on critical thinking. Goal 3: To positively impact student learning through use of effective assessment practices.
Astral Drive Junior High – May 23, 2013 Student Support STUDENT SUPPORT TEAM GUIDANCE EXTRA HELP BY SUBJECT
Student Program English Language Arts/FLA Math Science Social Studies Health Living Core French/ELA Physical Education Art or Band Tech. Ed
Homework Time Guidelines: Grades 7-9: (daily maximum total time in all subjects, based on 4 nights/wk.) Grade 7 & 8: 60 minutes/day (4 hrs./wk.) Grade 9: 90 minutes/day (6 hrs./wk.)
Description of student on expected learning outcomes and program expectations (4) In-depth knowledge and understanding of content and concepts. Able to extend the application of related skills to a variety of contexts. (3) Competent knowledge and understanding of content and concepts. Appropriate application of the related skills. (2) Developing knowledge and understanding of content and concepts. Developing in the application of the related skills. (1) Limited knowledge and understanding of content and concepts. Limited application of related skills. Astral Drive Junior High - School Evaluation Rubric Teachers at ADJH will provide students with multiple opportunities to demonstrate what they know and are able to do using a variety of assessment strategies. Teachers will collect and consider all assessment information when determining a students final term evaluation, using our school wide evaluation rubric below.
Astral Drive Junior High – May 23, 2013 First Day of School at Astral Astral Drive Mustangs
School Times – Astral Drive: 2013 – 2014 Late Arrival - please call if your child will late or absent
Astral Drive Junior High – May 23, 2012 A Day in The life of a ADJH Student Astral Drive Mustangs
701 Student Schedule – Astral Drive Junior High Homeroom: Mr. Cameron: 237 MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAY 8:20 1 st Bell Arrival/ /Lockers 8:30 – 8:35 Welcome /Homeroom/Announcements 1 8:35 9:05 ENGLISH Ms. Patterson Room 224 MATH Ms. Rushton Room 206 MATH Ms. Rushton Room 206 Tech. Ed/Art Ms. Little / Ms. Joyce Room 165/174 P HYS. E D. Mr. Archer Gym 2 9:05 9:35 3 9:35 10:05 Social Studies Mr. Cameron Room 237 ENGLISH Ms. Patterson Room 224 ENGLISH Ms. Patterson Room 224 MATH Ms. Rushton Room 206 ENGLISH Ms. Patterson Room :05 10:35 10:35 – 10:45 Lockers /Nutrition Break 5 10:45 11:15 MATH Ms. Rushton Room 206 C ORE F RENCH Ms. Jreige Room 235 Social Studies Mr. Cameron Room 237 SCIENCE Mr. Gallant Room 104 MATH Ms. Rushton Room :15 11:45 11:45- 12:30 Lockers/Lunch/Lockers 7 12:30 1:00 SCIENCE Mr. Gallant Room 104 P HYS. E D. Mr. Archer Gym M USIC Mr. MacKay Room 140 ENGLISH Ms. Patterson Room 224 | Social Studies Mr. Cameron Room :00 1:30 C ORE F RENCH Ms. Jreige Room :30 2:00 M USIC Mr. MacKay Room 140 SCIENCE Mr. Gallant Room 104 HEALTH LIVING Ms. McNeil Room 221 HEALTH LIVING Ms. McNeil Room 221 C ORE F RENCH Ms. Jreige Room :00 2:30
Important Stuff Student agenda – Code of Conduct Parent/Teacher Interviews Supply List/Organization Cafeteria/Lunch Time Scent & Peanut Awareness Late Arrival Program/Lates (Excused/Unexcused) Lockers & Locks (Only School Locks) Students prepare for classes Please, no electronic devices in class during learning time Valuables – safe at home Students must let us know…. We have a student support system designed to help!
Student Fees Student Agenda Student ID Lock & Locker School Year Book (Optional) $57 – With a Yearbook ($32) $25 – Without a Yearbook
Astral Drive Jr. High Girls’ Soccer Boys’ Soccer Cross-Country Boys’ Volleyball Girls’ Volleyball Girls’ Basketball Boys’ Basketball Hockey Badminton Girls’ Lacrosse Boys’ Lacrosse Archery Track and Field Touch Football Boys Softball
Astral Drive Jr. High Art Clubs Bands & Ensembles Duke of Edinburgh Drama Club Green Team Student Leadership Peer Helpers Ski Club Ste Ann's Trip Terry Fox Yearbook
Communication School Communication Plan School report to parents (Oct. 2012) Three formal report cards go home Two parent/teacher interviews – held in the gym Grade level meetings Curriculum night Two way – open communication: Ongoing… Newsletters on line Phone calls/ s Student agenda School messenger School web site – Daily announcements, school calendar School web site School Advisory Council (SAC) Other as needed…
STUDENT- PARENT PORTAL Parents and students will have access to real-time information whether in the classroom or the boardroom, you will be able to see what’s happening right away. iNSchool also includes a portal that gives students and parents quick and easy access to their current assessments, attendance records, assignment due dates, and school announcements. If you would like to learn more about the program/portal, go to and click on STUDENT-PARENT PORTAL to your left. Login and password coming this fall
How Can You Help? Student readiness to learn: – Sleep/nutrition/lates/homework/call safe arrival Ask questions about their day/check our website Communication - two way Social media – Facebook/Name calling Be apart of our team SAC Volunteer Most Importantly – as a team member, help us achieve our goal: to improve student learning, parents are THE most important partners in student learning
Astral Drive Junior High – May 23, 2012 Astral Drive Junior High “ A great place to learn and a safe place to be”! LEARNING It starts with Us!