Romainian Christmas Traditions Andrei Oprea CLS a VI-a A
Christmas Tree Decoration Nowadays decorate the Christmas tree has become one of the most beloved traditions in both rural and urban, with the anticipation of Christmas Eve Santa Claus. In the stories of our ancestors, the tree was often brought Santa when the kids were asleep. Or instead of Santa Claus did not see the tree than passing under the window.
Carols Christmas Eve carols begin. In some areas of the country (especially Suceava villages) morning start caroling children before dawn for the Nativity took place in the mystery of the night, in the presence of animals, the stars, the shepherds and the angels.
Foods Feast of the Nativity of Jesus Christ or Christmas, is the Romanian people (especially the Orthodox Christian) an occasion of great joy. After Advent, a period of abstinence both bodily and spiritual absolution from eating sweet entail numerous habits and a medley of pork meat and sweets to celebrate. Butchering is done on the day of Ignat. Pork for the Christmas feast is prepared bacon, sausage, cartaboşi, drums, rolls, roast pork bone soup. Sweets to end the holiday table, or that mankind guests step into the house and carolers are: cake, pie and paste. All these preparations according to the present diversification ethnographic and are accompanied by specific areas beverages: brandy, brandy, various wines.
Nativity Nativity (birth of Jesus Christ / Jesus Christ / Jesus Christ) is a Christian holiday celebrated on December 25 (Gregorian calendar) or January 7 (Julian calendar) every year. It is part of the 12 holidays royal (royal feast) of the Byzantine Churches, the fourth largest celebration of Easter, Ascension and Good Friday. In some countries where Christians are the majority, Christmas is also holiday and celebration extends into the following day, December 26: Christmas day. Since the onset of the twentieth century, Christmas became a secular holiday celebrated by both Christians and non-Christians by the center of gravity of the moving celebration of the rite for participation in the church family aspect of exchanging gifts or, for children,
Cutting Pig Habit of ancestors, sacrifice of the pig, is a name that carries thanksgiving mass butchering received help from relatives, neighbors, friends, and is provided by the host after affairs. Before the celebration of the Nativity of Jesus Christ, Ignat, Christian households used to cut the pig up the whole year, in order to obtain meat and meat preparations necessary for the feast of the Nativity. After cutting, sorting, preparation of pork specialties, home house invites everyone who helped butchering table. Traditional dish called sacrifice of the pig, is obtained by roasting pieces of meat ( pieces of muscle, liver, bacon, ribs, jaw, representing all parts of the slaughtered animal ) fat. Traditional table sits after washings and cleaning out all traces of sacrifice or process of preparing sausages, Caltabosi, drums, etc.. It eats up and served food with traditional brandy or brandy boiler.