Interesting facts about the Nobel Prize Made by: Jacsó Rita Petró Nikolett Báder Renáta.


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Presentation transcript:

Interesting facts about the Nobel Prize Made by: Jacsó Rita Petró Nikolett Báder Renáta

The Nobel Prize Laureates’ Park Nobel Laureates Female Nobel Laureates The youngest and the oldest Nobel Laureates Laureates who have been awarded more than once The Nobel Prizes in the same family The Nobel Prize medals Why there is no Nobel Prize in Maths?

There are 797 Nobel Laureates in the world. 777 individuals and 20 organisations have been awarded the Nobel Prize. Some laureates and organisations have been awarded more than once.

Only 34 Nobel Laureates have been women and the remaining 743 were men Doris Lessing – Literature 1903 Marie Curie - Chemistry 2004 Wangari Maathai - Peace 1979 Mather Tereza – Peace 1945 Gabriella Mistral – Peace Mather TerezaGabriella MistralWangari MaathaiDoris Lessing Marie Curie

The youngest Laureate is Lawrence Bragg who was just 25 when he received the nobel Prize in Physics with his father in Paul A. M. Dirac received the Nobel Prize in Physics at the age of 31 in Care D. Anderson received the Nobel Prize in Physics at the age of 31 in The oldest Laureate is Leonia Hurwicz.She received the Nobel Prize in Economics when she was 90 years old. Raymond Daris Jr. received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2003 and Doris Lessing in Literature in 2007.Both of them were 88 years old.

Four Nobel Laureates have been forced by authorities to decline the Nobel Prize. Adolf Hitler forbade three German Nobel Laureates, Richard Kuhn, Adolf Butenandt and Gerhord Damagk accepting the Nobel Prize. All of them could later receive the Nobel Prize Diploma and Medal, but not the prize amount. Boris Pasternak the, 1958 Nobel Laureates in Literature, initially accepted the Prize but was later coerced by the authorities of the Soviet Union his notive country to decline.

Maried Couples: Marie Curie Pierre Curie Iréne Joliot –Curie Frédéric Joliot Alva Myrdal Gunnar Myrdal Getty Cori Care Cori Brothers: Jan Tinbergen Nikolas Tinberge Father and son: William Bragg Lawrence Bragg Niels Bohr Aage N. Bohr

The Nobel Prize medals, which have been minted by Myntverket in Sweden and the Mint of Norway since 1902, are registered trademarks of the Nobel Foundation. Their engraved designs are internationally-recognized symbols of the prestige of the Nobel Prize. All of these medal designs feature an image of Alfred Nobel in left profile on their front sides. Four of the five Nobel Prize medals feature the same design on their faces. The Nobel Prize medals in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine and Literature are identical on the face: it shows the image of Alfred Nobel and the years of his birth and death ( ). Nobel's portrait also appears on the Nobel Peace Prize Medal and the Medal for the Prize in Economics, but with a slightly different design. All medals made before 1980 were struck in 23 carat gold. Today, they are made from 18 carat green gold plated with 24 carat gold.Myntverket Mint of NorwayNobel FoundationAlfred NobelNobel Peace Prizethe Prize in Economics

The Nobel Prize laureates’ park can be found on the yard of Jenő Wigner Grammar School in Eger. It was founded in 2000, the year of Millenium.The states werw composed by Pál Farkas and József Kampfl.The curiosity of the park is that it commemorates for 4 alive Nobel Prize laureates.

One of the most common -and unfounded- reasons as to why Nobel decided against a Nobel Prize in maths is that a famous mathematician Gosta Mittag-Leffler who often claimed to be the guilty party. The reason as to why there is no Nobel prize in maths is simply the fact he didn't care much for mathematics, and that it was not considered a practical science from which humanity could benefit. The other reason is that at the time there existed already a well known Scandinavian prize for mathematicians. If Nobel knew about this prize he may have felt less compelled to add a competing prize for mathematicians in his will.