Barack Obama on Immigration Eva Drhlíková, Zuzana Trubačová, Julie Károva, Michal Drozd Barack Obama on Immigration
Topics Obama’s general views on immigration Dream Act Illegal immigrants Controversies Barack Obama on Immigration
General Views "We are the first nation to be founded for the sake of an idea— the idea that each of us deserves the chance to shape our own destiny. That’s why centuries of pioneers and immigrants have risked everything to come here… The future is ours to win. But to get there, we cannot stand still." Barack Obama on Immigration
General Views II USA – A nation of immigrants Immigrants vote for Obama Fixing the immigration system is one of the priorities Barack Obama on Immigration
General Views III More open immigration policy Focus on those who pose a threat to national security Barack Obama on Immigration
General Views IV "A patchwork of state laws is not a solution to our broken immigration system--it's part of the problem." Barack Obama on Immigration
DREAM Act Barack Obama on Immigration Acronym for Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors First introduced in Senate in 2001 grants a path to citizenship to children of undocumented immigrants Re-introduced in 2009 In 2010 the Senate filbuster of the bill was maintained in a vote as of November 2012, 11 states have their own versions of the DREAM Act
DREAM Act II Requirements: To be between 12 and 35 years when the Law is enacted Arrived in the US before the age of 16 Resided continously in the US for at least 5 years Graduated from a US high school Good moral character Barack Obama on Immigration Why oppose the DREAM act? v=N6bZQoFdb1c v=N6bZQoFdb1c Benefits? Temporary residency Conditional permanent residency
Perspectives? Barack Obama on Immigration Requiered increasing immigration enforcement Every employer to use E-Verify Does not solve all problems of immigrants
Obama on illegal immigration estimated 11, 5 mil. illegal immigrants in the USA (based on the 2010 census) supports path to legalization for illegal immigrants that includes learning English & paying fines wants to toughen penalties for hiring illegal immigrants plans to continue to secure the southern border focuses on deportations of criminals and those without US roots wants to stop expelling talented undocumented workers in June 2012 issued executive order to not deport certain undocumented immigrants Barack Obama on Immigration
Controversy Low-skilled immigrations in the US Democrats and republicans: both parties pro-immigrant laws supporters Immigration changes the labor supply Immigrants and taxes Barack Obama on Immigration
Sources century-economy century-economy immigration-stance#media immigration-stance#media supreme-court-s-ruling-arizona-v-united-states supreme-court-s-ruling-arizona-v-united-states immigration immigration illegal-immigrants/ illegal-immigrants/ most-latinos-oppose-obamas-policy/ most-latinos-oppose-obamas-policy/ Barack Obama on Immigration
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