The need for Coaching Education for all coaches.


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Presentation transcript:

The need for Coaching Education for all coaches.

Why do we need Coaching Education? Accountability in education. Parents and administrators demand more. Teacher/Coaches diminishing. More outside coaches are being hired. Teachers/doctors/lawyers are certified. Coaches who influence millions of youth are not. Being a former player qualifies one to play, not to coach. Coaches require specialized skills to teach and relate with players and the community. Nationally certified coaches are better equipped to deal with athletes, parents, administrators, and staff.

Coaching: Art or Science? …the expert coach is someone who can make appropriate decisions within the constraints of their coaching practice, reinforcing the belief that coaching is a cognitive activity. (Lyle, 1999) Many coaches attribute their development of coaching knowledge to their own experience and observing experienced coaches (Gould, Guinan, Greenleaf & Chung, 2002; Cushion, Armour & Jones, 2003). It is also imperative that the notions of continuing development or “lifelong learning” become more accepted within sport coaching. (Nash, Collins, 2006)

National Association for Sport and Physical Education National Standards for Sport Coaches 8 Domains of what quality coaches should know, value, and be able to do. Developed in 1995 Revised in 2006 Revised with help from: US Olympic Committee, Federation of State High School Associations, National Council for Athletic Training, National Council of Secondary School Athletic Directors

8 Domains for Quality Sport Coaches Philosophy and Ethics Safety and Injury Prevention Physical Conditioning Growth and Development Teaching and Communication Sport Skills and Tactics Organization and Administration Evaluation

Philosophy and Ethics Develop and implement an athlete-centered coaching philosophy. Identify, model, and teach positive values learned through sport participation. Teach and reinforce responsible personal, social, and ethical behavior of all people involved in the sport program. Demonstrate ethical conduct in all facets of the sport program.

Safety and Injury Prevention Prevent injuries by providing safe facilities. Ensure that all necessary protective equipment is available, properly fitted, and used appropriately. Monitor environmental conditions and modify participation as needed to ensure the health and safety of participants. Identify physical conditions that predispose athletes to injuries. Identify psychological implications of injury.

Physical Conditioning Design programs of training, conditioning, and recovery that properly utilize exercise physiology and biomechanical principles. National Strength and Conditioning Association’s Fly Solo program for high school coaches. Teach and encourage proper nutrition for optimal physical and mental performance and overall good health. Be an advocate for drug-free sport participation

Growth and Development Apply knowledge of how developmental change influences the learning and performance of sport skills. Facilitate the social and emotional growth of athletes by supporting a positive sport experience. Provide athletes with responsibility and leadership opportunities as they mature.

Teaching and Communication Develop and monitor goals for the athletes and the program. Organize practice based on an annual practice plan to maintain motivation, manage fatigue, and allow for peak performance. Utilize appropriate instructional strategies to facilitate athlete development and performance. Teach and incorporate mental skills to enhance performance and reduce sport anxiety. Use effective communication skills to enhance individual learning, group success, and enjoyment in the sport experience. Demonstrate and utilize appropriate and effective motivational techniques to enhance athlete performance and satisfaction.

Sport Skills and Tactics Know the skills, elements of skill combinations, and techniques associated with the sport being coached. Identify, develop, and apply competitive sport strategies and specific tactics appropriate for the age and skill levels of the participating athletes. Use scouting methods for planning practices, game preparation, and game analysis.

Organization and Administration Demonstrate efficiency in contest management. Be involved in public relation activities for the sport program. Manage human resources for the program. Facilitate planning, implementation, and documentation, of the emergency action plan. Manage all information, documents, and records for the program.

Evaluation Implement effective evaluation techniques for team performance in relation to established goals. Use a variety of strategies to evaluate athlete motivation and individual performance as they relate to season objectives and goals. Utilize an objective and effective process for evaluation of self and staff.

International Coaching Education UK close to establishing a national ‘License to Coach’ certification process. Canada established a National Coaching Certification Program. The Australian Sports Commission (ASC) is the Australian Government body that manages, develops, and invests in sport at all levels.

References Lyle, J. (1999). The coaching process: an overview. In N. Cross & J. Lyle (Eds.) The Coaching Process: Principles and Practice for Sport. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann. Massengale, J. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education Spring 1984, Vol. 3 Issue 3, p6. Nash, C., Collins, D. Quest Nov2006, Vol. 58 Issue 4, p465 13p. National Association for Sport and Physical Education (2006). Quality coaches, quality sports: National standards for sport coaches (2nd ed.). Reston, VA: Author.