Issuing Orders and Orders Extraction © ACF Training 2015
The Orders Process A Commander has to: Receive Orders himself. Extract from them what concerns his own command. Estimate how best to achieve the mission. Prepare orders for subordinates. Issue those orders. © ACF Training 2015
ISSUING ORDERS The following points should be remembered: Protection - Post a sentry Distractions Avoid them - Vehicles and Radios etc. Concealment of Position - Lights etc Comfort of Position - Shelter, Warmth Brevity – How Vulnerable is your Position & how Long do you Have? © ACF Training 2015
Do: Make your orders concise. Give subordinates a thorough understanding of your intentions. Explain the outline concept of your immediate commander. Integrate all subordinate elements in a coordinated action. Allow subordinates the maximum freedom of action. © ACF Training 2015
Don’t Try to give detailed instructions covering every possible situation. Try to use every heading in the boxes. They are provided as a reminder of what you MIGHT need to cover. © ACF Training 2015
Receiving Orders Before receiving orders you should: Study the Warning Order. Relate it to the Map and Ground if possible. Issue Your Warning Order. Arrive at the Commanders Orders Group (O Group) early to Study Maps, Air Photos and mark own maps. You may be able to supplement your Warning Order and send it with runner. © ACF Training 2015
Kit required at Orders Group Map. A Notebook, Waterproofed and prepared for forthcoming operation / mission. TAM (Tactical Aid Memoir) Pencil - Chinagraph & normal Binoculars (if available) Torch. Runner/Escort. © ACF Training 2015
Troop Cdrs Orders Company Cdrs Orders 1. Ground 2. Situation - Enemy Forces - Friendly Forces - Co’s Intent - Coy Mission - Atts & Dets 3. Mission 4. Execution - Conc Ops - Msn Tasks 1, 2, 3 Sect etc - Coord Inst 5. Service Support 6. Command & Sigs Company Cdrs Orders 1. Ground 2. Situation - Enemy Forces - Friendly Forces - Atts & Dets 3. Mission 4. Execution - Conc Ops - Msn Tasks A, B, C Flt etc - Coord Inst 5. Service Support 6. Command & Sigs © ACF Training 2015
Coy Cdrs Orders Section Cdrs Orders Troop Cdrs Orders 1. Prelims 2. Situation - Enemy Forces - Friendly Forces - Atts & Dets 3. Mission 4. Execution - Conc Ops - Msn Tasks 1, 2, 3 Tp etc - Coord Inst 5. Service Support 6. Command & Sigs Troop Cdrs Orders 1. Prelims 2. Situation - Enemy Forces - Friendly Forces - CO’s Intent - Coy Msn - Atts & Dets 3. Mission 4. Execution - Conc Ops - Msn Tasks 1, 2, 3 Sect etc - Coord Inst 5. Service Support 6. Command & Sigs Section Cdrs Orders 1. Prelims 2. Situation - Enemy Forces - Friendly Forces - Coy Cdrs Intent - Tp Msn - Atts & Dets 3. Mission 4. Execution - Conc Ops - Msn Tasks C, D Fire Team - Coord Inst 5. Service Support 6. Command & Sigs © ACF Training 2015
Method of Delivery Deliver Orders clearly and fluently. Follow the standard Orders format. Adjust How you Speak to reflect: The Standard of Training and Experience of Section Commanders and how well you know them. How long you have worked as a team. How tired your cadets are. © ACF Training 2015
Any Questions ? © ACF Training 2015