CBC- Community service By: Philip Miller
Service learning Service learning is the fusion of classroom education and hands on experience by helping the community.
Benefits of Service learning Personally, I have gotten a few things out of Service learning. I have learned how to manage big events, such as tournaments. I learned that one has to make compromises for events to work. Also, I had a lot of fun.
CBC The CBC, or Comic Book Club, is a school club of Thomas County Central High School. I was a member of this club during my senior year (The year the club was founded) and I tried to help the club flourish.
CBC Goals The CBC had to main goals: It wanted to provide happiness and support to the members of the club. This included giving artists and writers a forum for their art, bringing people with similar hobbies together, and honestly forming a family of support in case one of the members needed it. The other goal was to provide for the communities intellectual and artistic diversity by putting more and better comic books into the public library. This would be done by the club donating said comic books.
Events The CBC has hosted a variety of events in hopes of accomplishing their goals. Some events were just meant to be fun for the members, and some had a fundraising purpose.
Going to a CBC event. Journeying to the Secret headquarters A strategy meeting with the CBC Hivemind, because we all know Nerds have a collective consciousness
A costume party the CBC had for charity, woo! End of the year party 2010 Bittersweet moment
At the secret headquarters Some people showing their treasures My own booty and my two very shy friends