William Gerald Golding
Biography 1911: Born in Newquay 1921: He went to the Marlborough grammar school 1932:He went to the Brasenose college and studied English literature 1939: He married Ann Brookfield 1993: He died…..
Major works Poems (1934 Lord of the Flies (1955) The Inheritors (1956) Pincher Martin (1956) The Bass Butterfly (1958) Free Fall (1959) The Spire (1964) The Hot Gates (1965) The Pyramid (1967) The Scorpion God (1971) Darkness Visible (1979)
Lord of the Flies
Allegorical novel Civilisation vs. Savagery Loss of innocence
Lord of the Flies Civilisation is the ‘good’ (Ralph) Savagery is the ‘evil’ (Jack) i3oZ_vH8
Nobel Prize Golding was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in 1983 "his novels which, with the perspicuity of realistic narrative art and the diversity and universality of myth, illuminate the human condition in the world of today".
In Memoriam William Golding died in 1993 of heart failure He left Ann golding behind
Sir William Gerald Golding