Avoiding a Dam Midlife Crisis 2011 NWHA Annual Conference Scott Larrondo—Idaho Power Company Manager, Power Plant Engineering & Construction
Hydroelectric System
1. Long-Term Mindset Your dams and powerhouses will be operating 50 years from now—include that thought in your decision processes Establish an ongoing process to support that thought: –Provide a practical level of staffing to address aging facilities –Provide acceptable financial resources for operation and maintenance (O&M) measures –Repair wear and damages when warranted—don’t procrastinate –Take advantage of technological improvements –Stay in compliance with new regulations
2. Pick a Long-Term Partner—FERC PRO Look at the FERC Dam Safety Program as a risk management and assessment partner –They help identify your largest risks (e.g., system failures) –They help establish a process to review and prevent failures Work cooperatively with FERC to achieve the same goal
System Failures
Risk Management and Assessment The best prevention for failures is your on-site O&M team Employees should: –Feel pride and ownership in their projects –Have significant history at the site –Have specific duties designed to identify system risks These duties should include daily, weekly, monthly, and annual inspection and maintenance activities Include subject matter experts (SME) to review critical systems FERC provides a new set of eyes
Examples of Aging Facilities
Examples of Aging Facilities Repairs Spillgate repairs and painting Alkali-silica reaction assessments and concrete repairs Generator condition assessments and rewinds Turbine-runner cavitation maintenance and replacement Potable-water and waste-water system replacements Dam safety studies and stability improvements Control system repairs and upgrades Remote operation and automation Local service upgrades within power plants
Lessons Learned Evaluate access to your facilities, such as dam abutments, spillways, and powerhouses for large equipment Provide access and work platforms to repair wear and damages Dam stability repairs are expensive, make sure you fully investigate all possibilities before mitigating Develop condition-based assessment processes to optimize when repair or replacement is needed
3. Documentation and Records Locate, organize, and properly store all old records Provide your employees with efficient information and data handling tools –Maintenance management software –Environmental compliance software –FERC dam-safety compliance programs Ensure data is easy to input and retrieve Maintain access to information as software changes over time