Estrogen Dominance By Dr. Afaf El-Ansary
Female hormones Two primary hormones Progesterone Maintained in optimal balance in our body Maintained in optimal balance in our body Estrogen Estrogen
Synthesis of estrogen and progesterone
Estrogen and menstrual cycle During a normal menstrual cycle, estrogen and progesterone driving the process of maturing and releasing an egg and preparing the uterus for possible pregnancy: and progesterone driving the process of maturing and releasing an egg and preparing the uterus for possible pregnancy: Estrogen rises in the first half of the cycle, peaks at ovulation, then falls in the second half as progesterone rises. Estrogen rises in the first half of the cycle, peaks at ovulation, then falls in the second half as progesterone rises. Progesterone is released by the rupturing of the egg follicle during ovulation. Progesterone is released by the rupturing of the egg follicle during ovulation. If there is no pregnancy, you have a period and the whole cycle begins again. If there is no pregnancy, you have a period and the whole cycle begins again.
Estrogen function Regulates menstrual cycle It softens the cervix Promotes cell division Female characteristics during puberty Affects female sexual organs
Estrogen is not a single hormone Estrone ( E1) Estradiol ( E2 ) Estriol ( E3)
Family of Estrogens Animal Estrogens Synthetic estrogens Phytoestrogens Xenoestrogens
Progesterone Pro-gestation hormone Favour the growth and well being of the fetus. It protects against the growth effect of estrogen. Its level is mg/day during monthly cycle and mg/day during pregnancy.
Estrogen dominance Relative dominance of estrogen Different health problems cancer Relative deficiency of progesterone
When estrogen levels are high in relation to progesterone women can feel many severe symptoms, among them: Anxiety Anxiety Breast tenderness Breast tenderness Headaches or migraines Headaches or migraines Depression Depression Digestive issues and weight gain Digestive issues and weight gain Fuzzy thinking Fuzzy thinking Irregular bleeding Irregular bleeding Water retention Water retention Symptoms of estrogen dominance
Water retention Breast inflammation Fatigue Emotion instability Hot flashes Anxiety Depression Common estrogen dominance conditions Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) Fibrocystic Breast Pre-menopausal Syndrome (PMS) Endometriosis
Uterine Fibroids Breast Cancer Common estrogen dominance conditions Polycystic ovary syndrome
Common reasons for estrogen dominance Commercially raised cattle and poultry Commercially raised cattle and poultry Commercially grown fruits and vegetables with pesticides Commercially grown fruits and vegetables with pesticides Exposure to xenoestrogen Exposure to xenoestrogen Petrochemical compounds Petrochemical compounds Industrial solvents Industrial solvents Hormone replacement therapy Hormone replacement therapy Stress Stress Obesity Obesity Liver Diseases Liver Diseases Increased coffee and fast food consumption Increased coffee and fast food consumption
Commercially raised cattle and Poultry These animals are fed estrogen-like hormones and growth hormones. It takes only 6 weeks now to grow a chicken to full size. Feeds used contain large amounts of hormone-disrupting toxins including: Pesticides, antibiotics, and drugs to combat diseases when so many animals are packed closely together. Pesticides, antibiotics, and drugs to combat diseases when so many animals are packed closely together.
Commercially grown fruits and vegetables If you eat in any developed countries, you are taking pesticides from fruits and vegetables. Many pesticides are known as hormone disruptors. About 5 billion pounds of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides are added to the world every year.
Xenoestrogens Pesticides are perhaps the biggest source of xenoestrogens. Pesticides are perhaps the biggest source of xenoestrogens. Mostly they are bioaccumulated in fat cells of fish, poultry and other food sources- in increasing concentration until they reach the top of the food chain where you and I consume them! Mostly they are bioaccumulated in fat cells of fish, poultry and other food sources- in increasing concentration until they reach the top of the food chain where you and I consume them! They are highly estrogenic
Non-biodegradable synthetic estrogen from urine of woman taking HRT and birth control pills that is flushed down the toilet and found its way into the food chain and back to the body.
A wash in a sea of xenoestrogens Many of these xenoestrogens are proven carcinogens. They are also well known for their ability to damage the immune system and interrupt hormonal balance. Our cells can’t always distinguish fully between our own estrogen and xenoestrogens. Every cell has estrogen receptors that recognize and open to the shape of an estrogen molecular chain, regardless of where it comes from.
Petrochemical compounds Creams, lotions, Soaps, Shampoos, perfumes, nail polish, hair spray and room deodorizers often have chemical structures similar to estrogen and indeed act like estrogen.
Hormone Replacement Therapy HRT with estrogen alone without sufficient opposing progestrone such as the drug Premarin. This drug contains 48% estrone and only a small amount of progestrone. Excessive estrogen from ERT also lead to increased chances of DNA damage, setting a stage for endometrial and breast cancer.
Stress Stress caused adrenal gland exhaustion and reduced progesterone output. This will increase estrogen/progesterone ratio. High estrogen/progesterone ratio, further taxes the adrenal gland leads to more reduction in progesterone and more estrogen dominance.
Obesity Fat has an enzyme that converts adrenal steroids to estrogen. The higher the fat intake The higher the conversion to estrogen
Deficiency of Vitamin B and magnesium Both are necessary for the neutralization of estrogen in the liver. Too much estrogen tends to create deficiency of Zn, Mg and vitamin B. Increased sugar and fast food leads to the depletion of magnesium.
Liver diseases Liver disease such as cirrhosis from excessive alcohol intake reduce the breakdown of estrogen. excessive alcohol intake reduce the breakdown of estrogen.
Increased coffee consumption Caffeine intake from all sources was linked with higher estrogen levels regardless of: Age Age Body mass index(BMI) Body mass index(BMI) Caloric intake Caloric intake Smoking and alcohol intake Smoking and alcohol intake Cholesterol intake. Cholesterol intake.
In absolute terms, those who live in the developed world are bathed in a sea of estrogen and do not know it. In absolute terms, those who live in the developed world are bathed in a sea of estrogen and do not know it.
Control Maintain ideal body weight Exercise Coffee and tea Detoxification
Phytoestrogens A diet rich in phytoestrogens is thought to be protective. Phytoestrogens are plant-based substances found in soybeans, licorice, and alfalfa that naturally mimic estrogen in a healthy way when consumed. This action protects the cell receptors from accepting the more damaging xenoestrogens.
In general, phytoestrogens are thought to wash out of the body within several days in contrast to months that the synthetic chemical xenoestrogens take to be excreted. Most phytoestrogens bind to the estrogen receptors, but do not stimulate it. The flax seed phytoestrogen competes with other estrogens that would otherwise stimulate the estrogen receptor.
How to avoid estrogen dominance Avoid Synthetic Chemicals. Avoid Synthetic Chemicals. Use natural pest control not pesticides. Use natural pest control not pesticides. Don't use herbicides; use a cup of salt in a gallon of vinegar. Don't use herbicides; use a cup of salt in a gallon of vinegar. Buy hormone free meats to eat. Buy hormone free meats to eat. Buy "Organic"produce, fruits and vegetables without pesticides, herbicides or synthetic fertilizer or hormones. Buy "Organic"produce, fruits and vegetables without pesticides, herbicides or synthetic fertilizer or hormones. Eat a plant-based, fiber-rich diet (at least g fiber per day). Eat a plant-based, fiber-rich diet (at least g fiber per day). Take vitamin B 6, B 12 and folate as essential cofactors for critical methylation pathways such as detoxification of estrogens. Take vitamin B 6, B 12 and folate as essential cofactors for critical methylation pathways such as detoxification of estrogens. Take a liver-supporting and detoxifying herbal formula. Take a liver-supporting and detoxifying herbal formula. Maintain ideal body weight (BMI, 18-25). Maintain ideal body weight (BMI, 18-25). Regular exercise. Regular exercise.