The Untold War. (Hit the Start Button to Begin Lesson)
Korea was originally one country under their own rule. When Japan Started their imperialist expansion in the early 1900’s. Korea officially became under Japan rule in 1905 with the Eulsa Treaty. Above: Emperor Meiji
After World War II ended Korea was separated into two parts. Korea was to be separated by two, with the United States and the Soviet Union. Dean Rusk and Charles Bonesteel agreed that the 38 th parallel would be the best place to separate Korea. The Cairo Conference with is a conference with the leaders of the United States, China, and England. The agreed that Korea would be free in due time. The UNTCOK agreed that Korea would have fair and free elections when they did become free. Even though Russia and the United States but in place there own picks into power to start in 1948.
In June 1950 the north invades the South which begins a military action by the United States. The United States was afraid of the Domino Effect. Domino Effect – If one country falls to communism the country's around them would all fall to communism When America first joined the war they faced great casualties at the start. Douglas MacArthur was in charge of the American troops in Korea. Above: Korean War Memorial in Washington D.C
Douglas MacArthur was known as the American Napoleon. MacArthur always wanted to attack counties, had a shoot first ask question later mind set. Never spent the night in Korea during war. Was flown from Japan to Korea everyday. Was banned from America for 11 years from President Roosevelt after being involved in a conspiracy to take over the American Government. President Truman fired MacArthur after letters surfaced from MacArthur under minding President Truman. Matthew Ridgeway took over the troops in Korea after MacArthur was dismissed. Above: Matthew Ridgeway and President Truman
While under MacArthur's rule after taking many casualties at the start of the war, MacArthur went around into North Korea and surrounded the North Korean Troops and America started to take the advantage. After America started to win the war MacArthur kept pushing North towards China. This worried the Chinese and warned America that they where getting to close to their borders. After MacArthur ignored Chinas warnings the Chinese sent P.V.A. (Peoples Volunteers Army) Negotiations began 10 July 1951 while the war continued for another two years, with mostly aerial attacks. Above: Battle of Incheon in Seoul, South Korea.
After two years of negations the war finally ended. The war was considered a draw, with the North and the South remaining separated, even to the present day. An estimated 900,000 Chinese causalities, 33,000 American and nearly one million Korean deaths. Above: American Solider during Korean War.
This was a very unpopular war for America. This war set the stage for all American wars to continue, with limited troops. This lead to the Agreed Framework, which states if North Korea will not seek to build nuclear weapons the United States will help them with energy. Above: Soldiers in the Iraq war.
North Korea remains communist with Kim Jong Il. North Korea as a dying economy but with a strong military. South Korea is still a democracy with President Lee Myung-Bak. South Korea has grown to have a great economy, with the 13 th largest. Korea has been making strides to make peace and become one country with the “Six Party Talks” which promotes peace with North and South Korea. Above: Kim Jong Il
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Pictures animals-and-plants.html animals-and-plants.html Information Professor Randall Doyle, Central Michigan University.