NATURAL DISASTER RISKS IN UKRAINE N.O.VYNOGRAD Senior Epidemiologist of Ministry Health of Ukraine, Chief of Epidemiology Department L’viv National Medical University, Ukraine
TYPES of BIOLOGYCAL DANGER Activation, distribution and change of the border of the natural nidi of infectious diseases Epidemical distribution of the formerly control infectious diseases Appearance of the new unknown infectious diseases “Imported” agents of the exotic and internationally quarantinable diseases Bioterrorism
TYPES of NATURAL NIDI (by the components of the parasitical system) Zooanthroponosis (animal/bird/reptile – vectors – human) Saprozooanthroponosis (soil/water – animal/reptile – vectors – human) Saproanthroponisis (soil/water – human) ecological social
INFLUENCING FACTORS Natural Climatic conditions (humidity, temperature, hydrometeor), Geographical location, Presence of certain types of animals, birds, vectors. Social Social Residence Occupation Living standard Migration population Medical care
GEOGRAFICAL DATA Territory size – 603,7 thousand sq. km: - Polissija (forest) – sq. km - Polissija (forest) – sq. km - Forest-Step – sq. km - Forest-Step – sq. km - Step – - Step – - special area – Karpatian and Crimean - special area – Karpatian and Crimean mountains mountains Population size – about 48 mln
RESERVOIDS and VECTORS Birds – 239 species Mammals – more 400: 29 species of Rodents; others animals – fox, hare…. Ticks – 7-10 species Mosquitoes species
NATURAL NIDI OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES ON UKRAINE Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever Anthrax West Nile encephalitis Tick-born encephalitis Lyme disease Marseilles fever Q-fever Leptospirosis Tularemia Rabies
DISTRIBUTION of HFRS on UKRAINE Lutsk Lviv Uzhgorod Rivne Ivano- Frankivsk Ternopil Tchern ivtsy Khmelnitsky Zytomyr Vinnyt s a KYIV Tchern igiv Sumy Polta va Cherk asy Khark iv Kirovogr ad Dnipropetrov sk Lugansk Donetsk Zaporiz ya Simpherop ol Kherson Odesa Mykolai v Detection of antigen Human illness Serologycal retrospective
ANTHRAX Soil temperature - no less 12 C Soil humidity – more 80 % Humus – Microelements (P, K) Black soil
UKRAINE Lutsk Lviv Uzhgorod Rivne Ivano-Frankivsk Ternopil Tchernivtsy Khmelnitsky Zytomyr Vinnyts a KYIV Tchernigiv Sumy Poltava Cherkas y Kharkiv KirovogradDnipropetrovsk Lugansk Donetsk Zaporizya Simpheropol Kherson Odesa Mykolaiv
RISK FACTORS of the DESTABILIZATION of EPIZOOTO-EPIDEMICAL SITUATION at ZOOANTHROPONOSIS Decrease of the volume of epizootologycal surveillance Decrease of the Insect and Rodent control Inadequate laboratory verification Worsening of the hygiene conditions of territorial Natural Disasters (Floods) Fell of the forest without adequate control
MEANS of the OPTIMIZATION of EPIDEMIOLOGYCAL SURVEILANCE Modernization of the Lab diagnosis by introduction of the express methods (ELISA, IF, PCR) Introduction of the definition of infectious diseases Organization of the correct epidemiological monitoring Forecast of epidemic process for specific diseases Devise of GIS