Quilting Presentation by: Brette Harding 8:20 Appalachian History 5/14/07 Course Project
Steps of Quilting First, you need to choose the colors you would like to use. Many women who quilted in the years of settlement of the Appalachian region used scraps of fabric that were left over from the clothes they made for their families. Next, gather the materials, and cut out the shapes of the fabric.
Steps of Quilting The type of fabric and embellishments you decide to use will affect the overall feel of the quilt. Designing the quilt is the next step. The shapes need to be put together in squares the way the quilter likes it.
Steps of Quilting Once the pieces are arranged, you need to sew them together in blocks to be the pieces of the quilt. Quilting blocks
Steps of Quilting After all the quilting blocks are made, the border needs to be sewn together. This part enhances the quilt like a frame enhances a picture.
Steps of Quilting After all these steps have been completed, the finishing steps need to be done. A back needs to be made, buy having the same size square as all of the squares and border together. Filling needs to be put in between the back and the front when they are sewn together.
Steps of Quilting Once all the parts are sown together with the filling in the middle, stitching needs to be done on the designs to make them stand out. Finished quilt