CANAAN LAND IS JUST IN SIGHT Part 2 The book of Joshua is a book about transitions. It is a book about battles. It is a book about victory.
CANAAN LAND IS JUST IN SIGHT Part 2 It is a book about the people of God getting their hands on everything the Lord has for them. It speaks to us because it is a book about moving passed the problems of yesterday into the peace and blessings of today.
CANAAN LAND IS JUST IN SIGHT Part 2 JOSHUA ’ S CHALLENGE (v ) After Joshua receives his challenge from the Lord, without hesitation, he goes to the people and tells them that the time has come to take their land.
CANAAN LAND IS JUST IN SIGHT Part 2 JOSHUA ’ S CHALLENGE (v ) A. A Challenge To Readiness (v. 10 – 11) Joshua tells the people to get ready to go into Canaan and claim the land.
CANAAN LAND IS JUST IN SIGHT Part 2 JOSHUA ’ S CHALLENGE (v ) B. A Challenge To Responsibility (v. 12 – 15) Now, Joshua addresses the tribes of Reuben, Gad and that half tribe of Manasseh. These tribes had sought, and gotten, permission from Moses to remain East of the Jordan, just outside the Promised Land.
CANAAN LAND IS JUST IN SIGHT Part 2 JOSHUA ’ S CHALLENGE (v ) B. A Challenge To Responsibility (v. 12 – 15) Matthew 16:24, which says, “Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me,”
CANAAN LAND IS JUST IN SIGHT Part 2 JOSHUA ’ S CHALLENGE (v ) B. A Challenge To Responsibility (v. 12 – 15) Luke 14:26-27, “ If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple. ”
CANAAN LAND IS JUST IN SIGHT Part 2 ISRAEL’S COMMITMENT (v. 16 – 18) A.. They Commit To A Life Of Surrender (v. 16) These people make their stand with the Lord. They promise absolute obedience and surrender to the will of God.
CANAAN LAND IS JUST IN SIGHT Part 2 ISRAEL’S COMMITMENT (v. 16 – 18) B. They Commit To A Life Of Submission (v. 17) These men also promised to follow the leadership of God’s man. Just as they had followed Moses, they committed themselves to following Joshua!
CANAAN LAND IS JUST IN SIGHT Part 2 ISRAEL’S COMMITMENT (v. 16 – 18) C. They Commit To A Life Of Separation(v. 18) Finally, the people commit themselves to separating from those in their midst who refused to comply with the commandments of the Lord.