TYPES OF INTERVIEWS On-campus interviews Screening interviews On site interviews Second round interviews One-on-one Panel interviews Group interviews Over a meal
REVIEW-QUESTIONS Be prepared for questions about resume Be familiar with contents of resume Typically asked questions: “Why should we hire you?” “Tell me about one of your weaknesses...” “Why do you want to teach at this level?” “What is your favorite subject to teach and why?” “Describe your teaching style”
REVIEW l Questions from you How soon do you expect to make your decision? Why is this position open? Can you tell me some of the qualities you are looking for in a teacher for this position? Do you have a mentoring program for new teachers? How supportive is the district of continuing education for faculty? l Interview starter questions from employer Tell me what you know about our ? Tell me about yourself?
PREPARING FOR THE INTERVIEW Familiarity with school district location Rehearse-mock interviews, record it, use CS Copy of resume updated & in folder References included/Portfolio included Few questions prepared for interviewer at end of interview Visualize setting, positive interview Anticipate stressors What to wear
FIRST IMPRESSIONS Men Women Suit, Jacket Pressed shirt No phones Suit, Plain jewelry No perfume Hair groomed
DRESS-RULES OF THUMB -No sleeveless shirts -Have your clothes pressed -No open toe shoes -Pantyhose for women, socks for men -Clothes should be comfortable avoid too tight, too short -Shoes Polished, comfortable -Socks/Hose Do not go without socks/hose -Belts If have belt loops, wear a belt -Jewelry Minimal -Purse/Leather Notebook
HINTS Dress for the position you want, not the position you have Men Wear a white t-shirt under dress shirt (Helps with perspiration) Have someone help you tie your tie Women Pull hair back Go easy on make up One ring per hand
DIFFERENT CLOTHING TYPES Professional Dress (this is YOU!) Interview outfit Daily clothing for professional office setting Business Casual Dress Dress down Fridays or casual office environment Career Fair Casual Dress Company picnic Traveling for work
DAY OF THE INTERVIEW Fresh shower, well groomed Leave plenty of time for mishaps Eat prior to the interview Avoid too much caffeine and sugar Arrive early minutes ample time too early makes interviewers nervous When arriving at a school, be courteous to all employees
TRICKY QUESTIONS a.k.a.. behavioral questions
BEHAVIORAL INTERVIEW TECHNIQUES STAR METHOD S - situation T - task A - action R - result
BEHAVIORAL INTERVIEW QUESTIONS Content knowledge and curriculum What are some math skills that students in your classroom have learned? Describe a two-week unit that you have taught. Tell me about a lesson on __________ that went well. How have you integrated writing skills into your curriculum? Methods and planning Describe a lesson plan that exceeded your expectations when you taught it. Describe a lesson that did not succeed and how you would change it for a future class. How have you ensured coverage of state-mandated standards in your planning? Classroom organization and management Describe an experience you have had becoming established with a new group of students. What rules and rewards have worked in your classroom in the past? Describe a conflict you encountered with a student and how you dealt with it. Homework and grading Describe a grading policy that has worked well in the past. How have you assessed student achievement informally without grading?
CLOSING AND FOLLOWING-UP Closing the interview Employer initiates-Standing up, shaking hands “Thank-you for interviewing” Let employer know you are interested Prepare closing statement “Thank you for taking the time to interview me, I’m very interested in this position...” Sending a thank-you note within 24 hours hand written computer generated-buy it Expect to hear within 7-10 work days
The verdict Job is offered to you “Thank you for calling, I’ll get back to you with my decision by the end of the day..” Job is not offered “Thank you for taking the time to interview me..” Professional/polite
COMMENTS / QUESTIONS Remember to be yourself… Everyone is nervous … Be prepared
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