ⓒ UNIST LIBRARY UNIST Institutional Repository ⓒ UNIST LIBRARY 2015. 07. 06.


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Presentation transcript:

ⓒ UNIST LIBRARY UNIST Institutional Repository ⓒ UNIST LIBRARY

Contents ⓒ UNIST LIBRARY What is What is Open Access (OA)& Institutional Repository(IR) How to Make How to Use Statistics & Notice (Submission of pre/post-print version articles) ⓒ UNIST LIBRARY

1. What is for Researcher for User for Institution Broader dissemination & increased use Increase the citation times of papers Stability & long-term preservation Free access to high-quality collections Reduce the costs of taking charge of academic information Opens up the outputs of the university to the world Author citations from repository may affect university rankings ⓒ UNIST LIBRARY is an Institutional Repository of UNIST. collects, makes available, and preserves scholarly outputs created by UNIST communities. Benefits not only provides barrier- free access to users worldwide, it also brings advantages to the institution and the contributing researchers. ❖ ❖ ❖

Open Access Institutional Repository Korea (28 repositories) KAIST: KOASAS, 2007 Digital collections of the outputs created within a university or research institution Movement that promotes free availability and unrestricted use of research and scholarship Currently over 2,900 repositories around the world from Directory of Open Access Repositories (OpenDOAR), Free of charge to the reader, no price & permission barriers SNU: S-Space, What is OA & IR? ⓒ UNIST LIBRARY UNIST: 2013 POSTECH: OASIS, 2015 World (2,900 repositories) US(469) > UK(229) > Japan(187) > Germany(171)... Japan(187) > Taiwan(57) > Indonesia(41) > China(40) > Korea(28)

3. How to Make Collecting UNIST myARTICLEs (Research Information Management System) ArchivingProviding UNIST ScholarWorks (Institutional Repository) A service for automatic data collection of faculty’s journal papers indexed in Web of Science and Scopus Provides bibliography data of each article, journal impact factors and subject category rankings Every verified research papers in myARTICLEs are systematically linked to ScholarWorks Including permanent URL, DOI, Citation information Licensed full-text are available to use Contents of ScholarWorks are indexed by web search engine such as Google, Google Scholar Based on international standards and protocols for data sharing ⓒ UNIST LIBRARY

4. How to Use: Main Page Simple & Advanced Search Browse items by Communities, Researchers, Titles UNIST Research news linked to research news article from UNIST News Center and relevant researcher page in ScholarWorks UNIST Research news linked to research news article from UNIST News Center and relevant researcher page in ScholarWorks Recent Addition Items Recent Addition Items Researcher Page Statistics & Top downloads Items Statistics & Top downloads Items ⓒ UNIST LIBRARY

How to Use: Browse by Communities and Collections Browse by Communities & Collections ■ Communities: 10 academics & UCRF ■ Collections: - Journal papers - Conference Papers (Not yet linked) - Research Reports & Technical Reports - Theses ⓒ UNIST LIBRARY

How to Use: Browse by Communities and Collections ⓒ UNIST LIBRARY Researchers in this Community You can check the researcher list in this community

How to Use: Browse by Researchers Researcher in this Community ⓒ UNIST LIBRARY Researchers in this Community Researchers in this Community Researcher Page Click the community name Click the researcher name

How to Use: Researcher Page ⓒ UNIST LIBRARY Publication List Journal Articles, Reports ※ Proceeding articles will be linked Publication List Journal Articles, Reports ※ Proceeding articles will be linked Researcher Page Researcher Profile from myARTICLEs Picture, Research Interests, Lab, , Website, Researcher Profile Websites Researcher Page Researcher Profile from myARTICLEs Picture, Research Interests, Lab, , Website, Researcher Profile Websites Researcher Profile Websites - Researcher ID (Web of Science by Thomson) - Author ID (SCOPUS by Elsevier) - ResearchGate ID - Google Citation ID (Google Scholar) - ORCID Researcher Profile Websites - Researcher ID (Web of Science by Thomson) - Author ID (SCOPUS by Elsevier) - ResearchGate ID - Google Citation ID (Google Scholar) - ORCID

How to Use: Browse by Title & Issue Date ⓒ UNIST LIBRARY Sort by Title /ascending or descending Sort by Issue Date /ascending or descending Arrange 'ACCEPT' state first

How to Use: Article Page ⓒ UNIST LIBRARY Citation Information Times cited in Web of Science & Scopus Citation Information Times cited in Web of Science & Scopus Licensed Full-text by Publisher Licensed Full-text by Publisher Article Page Bibliography data of each article from myARTICLEs Title, Author, Keywords, Issue Date, Publisher, Abstract, DOI, ISSN, etc. Article Page Bibliography data of each article from myARTICLEs Title, Author, Keywords, Issue Date, Publisher, Abstract, DOI, ISSN, etc. Related Researcher of this article

5. Statistics (2014 ~ Current) ⓒ UNIST LIBRARY 6,700 myARTICLEs 4,422 Journal Articles Conference Papers 1,414 5,286 6,700 Journal Articles from myARTICLEs ScholarWorks 266 Theses 89 Reports from NRF 성과마루 (Will be linked by 2015)Published PDF available for archiving Published PDF not available for archiving (Bibliography data only including article URL ) views 482, ,507 downloads Refer to publisher’s archiving policies via SHERPA/ROMEO ( ※

5. Statistics (2014 ~ Current) ⓒ UNIST LIBRARY Visitors from all around the world! 42,992 South Korea (81.4%) United States (4.3%) China (3.0%) Japan (1.4%) India (1.4%) Hong Kong (0.8%) Germany (0.7%) UK (0.7%) Taiwan (0.5%) Iran (0.3%) Canada (0.3%) Russia (0.3%) Singapore (0.3%) France (0.3%) Australia (0.3%) More 90 countries... ※

Notice! Submission of pre/post-print version articles Do you want to archive your pre-print or post-print articles in the ScholarWorks? ⓒ UNIST LIBRARY archive only licensed full-text by publisher. (publisher’s version) If you want to archive your pre-print or post-print version articles, please refer to below procedure.  Search by Journal Title, ISSN, Publisher, etc. Send articles via  2 SHERPA/Romeo Open Archiving Project by JISC SHERPA/Romeo is database of publisher’s policies on copyright and self-archiving. 1) Green: Publisher allow authors to archive al l version (pre/post/ publisher’s) 2) Blue: can archive post-print or publisher’s 3) Yellow: can archive pre-print 4) White: archiving not formally supported SHERPA/Romeo Open Archiving Project by JISC SHERPA/Romeo is database of publisher’s policies on copyright and self-archiving. 1) Green: Publisher allow authors to archive al l version (pre/post/ publisher’s) 2) Blue: can archive post-print or publisher’s 3) Yellow: can archive pre-print 4) White: archiving not formally supported Send pre-print or post print version articles (RoMEO color Blue or Yellow journal articles) i.e. ‘Nature’ is Yellow  author can archive only pre-print version articles. Check the publisher’s archiving policies via SHERPA/ROMEO 1

ⓒ UNIST LIBRARY Question? UNIST LIBRARY Contact: Doyeon Kim Tel