MIS and Decision Science at TAMIU The Department and its programs Ned Florencio Kock, Chair Dept. of MIS and Decision Science Texas A&M International University
What are MIS and DS? MIS = Management Information Systems –Field of research and teaching concerned with the study of information technologies and their impact on people and organizations DS = Decision Science –Focuses on the use of quantitative methods for decision making in organizations, primarily using complex statistical analysis tools (e.g., SPSS, LISREL, PLS)
MIS vs. computer science First computer ever: ENIAC, 1946 IT applications = computer science, up until 1970s MIS emerges in the 1970s –Largely because of dismay IT productivity returns in the service sector –MISQ journal first published in 1977 –First ICIS conference in 1980 MIS today = IT to enable business process improvement –Largely due to the emergence of business process redesign in the early 1990s
What has been the average increase in labor productivity from the late 1960s to the early 1990s? Considering that: –The average IT investment per employee has been $ 3,000 per year in the service sector –The average IT investment in the manufacturing sector has been of $1,500 per year IT productivity returns question
In the service sector as a whole ~ zero percent In the banking and insurance areas ~ minus 10 percent In the manufacturing sector ~ 15 percent Sources: Hacket, 1990, Sloan Management Review Rai et. al, 1997, Communication of ACM IT productivity returns answer
Productivity growth from the 1950s to the 1990s
MIS vs. outsourcing Jobs that focus on using IT to enable business process improvement are relatively difficult to outsource –Key reason: They require local business knowledge in addition to IT knowledge Jobs that focus on IT knowledge along are relatively easy to outsource –E.g., generic computer programming, preparation of generic manuals for IT hardware and software MIS programs usually prepare students for the first type of jobs above
MIS and DS programs at TAMIU Major programs –Master of Science in Information Systems (MS-IS) –Bachelor of Business Administration with a major in Management Information Systems (BBA-MIS) Other programs –Management Information Systems Concentration in the Ph.D. Program in International Business Administration –Management Information Systems Concentration in the Master of Business Administration Program –Minor in Management Information Systems Program (for undergraduate students majoring in programs outside the College of Business Administration)
Master of Science in Information Systems (MS-IS)
Bachelor of Bus. Admin. with a major in MIS (BBA-MIS)
MIS Concentration in the Ph.D. Program in IBA
MIS Concentration in the MBA Program
Minor in MIS Program
MIS career paths MIS graduates begin their careers in a broad range of roles, which include software systems analysis, technical marketing, and management consulting. They often later migrate to other business functions where they may take a more managerial role with respect to a technology- based business activity, but nevertheless are effective in extracting value from that technology because of their technical background. Source: Leavey School of Business, Santa Clara University
What are our students saying? Juan Sanchez, BBA-MIS (2004) “The course content and instruction was exceptional. Course content involved both past, current, and future trends and elements of the IT industry. The information obtained in the classroom gave me a competitive edge when seeking internship/employment opportunities. Overall, the faculty of the MIS and Decision Science Department can be best summed up as energetic, insightful, and student-oriented.” Rene F. Cruz, MS-IS (1999) “As a graduate of the MS-IS program at TAMIU and lifelong resident of Laredo, TAMIU has provided me with the opportunity to expand my educational endeavors. My work experience and Master’s degree has allowed me to progress to the position of Director of Information Technology at Laredo Medical Center. During my coursework, I was continually challenged by the faculty in terms of conducting research, developing strategic planning skills, exploring new technology, and exchanging different points-of-views among faulty and fellow students. I highly recommend TAMIU to anyone who is interested fulfilling his or her potential.” Final slide