Penguins By : Lily & Alissa
Introduction Page 1 Food Page 2 Eggs Page 3 Homes Page 4 Babies Page 5 Life in the water Page 6 Groups Page 7 Adaptations Page 8 Species Page 9 Glossary Page 10 Index Page 11 Table of Contents
Do you know about penguins? In this power point you will learn many things about penguins! We hope you enjoy learning about penguins! Introduction
Baby penguins get food straight from their parents. Penguins eat.... Krill Fish Squid What Do Penguins Eat
Adult penguins hold their eggs on their feet. Most eggs are white with grey or beige spots. Mother penguins can lay 1 or 2 eggs. Eggs
Most penguins live in Antartica. All penguins live below the equater. Very little species live in warm places. Where Do Penguins Live
If there is more than one baby one might not survive. Baby penguins are born with fluffy feathers. Babies
Penguins drop 70 feet just to get food. Penguins leap out of the water to get air. Life in the water
Penguin groups are called rookery's. Penguins huddle in groups to keep warm. Groups
Webbed feet Waterproof feathers Sharp bill Adaptions
Emperor Macaroni Gentoo African Fairy Chinstrap Rock Hopper Adelie Species
This is the end the Powerpoint. Did you enjoy learning about penguns ? I hope you did! Conclusion
Penguin- Flightless bird Adaptations-A way to make life easy in your enviorment Webbed-Flipper like feet Rookery-A group of penguins Species-Different types of one animal Glossary
Food 2 Eggs 5 Babies 7 Adaptations 10 Index