DOCUMENT #:GSC15-PLEN-64 FOR:Presentation or Information SOURCE:TTA AGENDA ITEM:Plenary 6.14 CONTACT(S):{kipark, chan, Kishik Park, Kangchan.


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Presentation transcript:

DOCUMENT #:GSC15-PLEN-64 FOR:Presentation or Information SOURCE:TTA AGENDA ITEM:Plenary 6.14 CONTACT(S):{kipark, chan, Kishik Park, Kangchan Lee, Seungyun Lee ETRI Global Standards Collaboration (GSC) GSC-15 1

 TTA Cloud Computing Project Group (PG420) March 2010, established for the standardization of:  Definition, Terminology, Framework on Cloud Computing  Cloud Service Quality Management  Cloud Computing Security  Interoperability of Cloud Computing  License Strategy for Cloud Computing  Testing and Authentication of Cloud Computing On going standardization work:  Requirements of Cloud Computing  Guideline for Service Provision and Management of Cloud Computing  Quality Elements for SLA on Cloud Computing Highlight of Current Activities (1) 2

 Cloud Computing Forum funded by TTA Established Promotes and supports standardization activities in collaboration with domestic/international organizations 6 Working Groups:  Group 1: Policy and Certification  Group 2: Cloud Computing Technology Framework  Group 3: Media Cloud  Group 4: Storage Cloud  Group 5: Cloud Computing Technology for Green IDC  Group 6: Mobile Cloud Highlight of Current Activities (2) 3

Strategic Direction  How to deploy Cloud Computing in Korea with secure and interoperable services ?  Korea government started to provide Test beds for Cloud services 4

Challenges  What to be standardized for Cloud Computing? - Problems 5

Next Steps/Actions  Areas/Items to be standardized in Korea Definition / Taxonomy / Terminology Metadata, Data exchanges Common Interfaces (APIs, protocols) Service Interoperability Monitoring, Auditing, Billing, Reports etc. SLA (Service Level Agreement) Security etc. 6

Proposal for GSC-15  Cloud Computing as a Highly Interest Subject needs to be more actively standardized through Global Standards Collaboration To make better collaboration with/among relevant organizations & projects on Cloud Computing To establish a harmonized Roadmap for standardization activities on Cloud Computing 7

Supplementary Slides 8

Definition of Cloud Computing 9 “Cloud computing is a model for enabling convenient, on- demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction.” Source: NIST 2009

Cloud Computing Models 10 Infrastructure as a Service Platform as a Service Service as a Service Applications Built by The cloud consumers Services Provided by the Cloud Source:

Cloud Computing Models : Expansion 11 SaaS – Service as a Service PaaS – Platform as a Service IaaS – Infrastructure as a Service BPaaS – Business Process as a Service APaaS – Application Platform as a Service AIaaS – Application Infrastructure as a Service DaaS – Desktop as a Service NaaS – Network as a Service CaaS – Communication as a Service XaaS – Everything as a Service Source:

Platform as a Service Infrastructure as a Service Patterns/Categories of Cloud Computing Providers 12 Application as a Service Storage as a Service Database as a Service Information as a Service Process as a Service Integration as a Service Security as a Service Management/Governance as a Service Testing as a Service Source : Cloud Computing Deep Dive, inforworld, Sep. 2009

Activities in Cloud Computing Standardization: Repository (Version 1.1, May 2010), 13

Current Standardization Activities 14 OrganizationParticipantsDeliverables Open Grid Forum Microsoft, Sun Microsystems, Oracle, Fujitsu, Hitachi, IBM, Intel, HP, AT&T, eBay, etc 150 informational documents Cloud computing Interoperability Forum Cisco, Intel, Thomson Reuters, Orange, Sun, IBM, RSA, etc None Distributed Management Task Force Board Member : IBM, Microsoft, Novell, Oracle, Sun Microsystems, VMware, EMC, etc DSP-IS0101(White paper, Interoperable Clouds) Open Virtualization Format Specification V1.1 (DMTF Standard) Open Cloud Consortium Cisco, MIT Lincoln Labs, Yahoo, various colleges including the University of Illinois at Chicago Cloud Security Alliance eBay, ING, Qualys, PGP, zScaler, etc Security Guidance V2.1 (White paper) ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC3816 National Bodies Recommendation to JTC 1 for standardization initiative for Cloud Computing ITU-T FG CloudITU-T Member States/Sector/Associate Introduction to the cloud ecosystem Requirements for Reference Architecture on Cloud Computing

ITU-T FG Cloud Terms of References for FG Cloud  Scope 1.identify potential impacts on standards development and priorities for standards needed to promote and facilitate telecommunication/ICT support for cloud computing 2.investigate the need for future study items for fixed and mobile networks in the scope of ITU-T 3.analyze which components would benefit most from interoperability and standardization 4.familiarize ITU-T and standardization communities with emerging attributes and challenges of telecommunication/ICT support for cloud computing 5.analyze the rate of change for cloud computing attributes, functions and features for the purpose of assessing the appropriate timing of standardization of telecommunication/ICT in support of cloud computing Source: 15

ITU-T FG Cloud Terms of References for FG Cloud (con’t)  FG Objective The objective of the Focus Group is to collect and document information and concepts that would be helpful for developing Recommendations to support cloud computing services/applications from a telecommunication/ICT perspective.  Specific tasks and deliverables Benefits of cloud computing from telecommunication/ICT perspectives Gap analysis of ITU-T standards for telecommunication/ICT to support cloud computing Collect and summarize vision and value propositions of cloud computing with a focus on telecommunication/ICT aspects Leverage expertise within the ITU-T in building telecom networks to take advantage of cloud concepts and capabilities Terminology and taxonomy and to develop new definition when necessary Analysis of telecommunication/ICT networking requirements functions and capabilities to support cloud computing services/applications (for both fixed and mobile) Use cases of services and reference models for telecommunication/ICT to support cloud computing Roadmap to guide further developments of relevant ITU-T Recommendations. Source: 16

ITU-T FG Cloud Meeting Results & Plan 1st FG Cloud meeting (14~17th June 2010, Geneva) *done  Draft Deliverables: Introduction to the cloud ecosystem: Definitions, taxonomies, and use cases Requirements for Reference Architecture on Cloud Computing  Liaison documents to SDOs, CSA, ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC38  Updates for “Repository on activities in Cloud Computing Standardization (Version 1.1, June 2010)” 2nd FG Cloud meeting (2~6th September 2010, Geneva)  Updates for FG Cloud deliverable ITU-T FG Cloud 17

ITU-T SG13 Q.23 | new Question  Questions What new Recommendations should be developed for Cloud Computing with telecommunication perspectives? Coordination of the Cloud Computing in cooperation with ITU-T SGs and with other SDOs e.g., the ISO/IEC JTC 1.  Tasks Identify issues that are interesting in SG13 such as definition and value proposition of Cloud Computing and development of related new Recommendations Identify classification of Cloud based service such as Fixed Cloud, Personal Cloud, Mobile Cloud, etc. and development of related new Recommendations Coordination on Cloud Computing issues with Questions in ITU-T SG13 Collaboration with ITU-T Focus Group on Cloud Computing (FG Cloud)  Leadership Dr. Kangchan Lee, ETRI Korea 18

ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC38 SGCC Scope: Standardization for interoperable Distributed Application Platform and services including:  Web Services, Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), and  Cloud Computing. As per the JTC 1 Directives, SC 38 establishes its own substructure at its first meeting in Beijing China, May 2010  Web Service WG  Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) WG  Cloud Computing SG Title: Distributed Application Platforms and Services (DAPS) 19

ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC38 SGCC  Terms of References for SGCC 1.Provide a taxonomy, terminology and value proposition for Cloud Computing. 2.Assess the current state of standardization in Cloud Computing within JTC 1 and in other SDOs and consortia beginning with document JTC 1 N 9687*. 3.Document standardization market/business/user requirements and the challenges to be addressed. 4.Liaise and collaborate with relevant SDOs and consortia related to Cloud Computing. 5.Hold open meetings to gather requirements as needed from a wide range of interested organizations. 6.Provide a report of activities and recommendations to SC 38.  *N9687: Report of JTC 1/SWG-Planning on possible future work on Cloud Computing in JTC 1 (2009) Source: Resolution of ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 38 Plenary 20

ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC38 SGCC Meeting Results & Plan 1st JTC 1 SC38 meeting (12~14th May 2010, Beijing) *done  Approval of SGCC as well as convener & secretary  Discussion for SGCC Report document 2nd JTC 1 SC38 meeting (27th Sep. ~ 1st Oct 2010, NY)  1st Draft of SGCC report (investigate current activity & recommendations) JTC 1 Plenary (Nov. 2010, Belfast Ireland)  Decide how to handle the SGCC for future 21