Technical Support Team Meeting May 8-9, 2014 Chicago, IL
Agenda May 8 Welcome and Introductions SOSOSY Consortium Update Update from APR meeting with OME ACReS Update ACReS Online Questions-Kelsey Williams Website Update Discussion- Sonja Williams Standardized Assessment Options for OSY- Brenda Pessin Dissemination Event Planning-Dissemination Event Planning Committee Dissemination Event Theme Select meeting dates and location for Year 3 Work Group Assignments Work Group discussion of timeline for completion Work Group focus time and action planning Work Group time Q and A session and Wrap-up 5:00 pm
Expectations for Our Time Update TST about recent OME Monitoring, ACReS Online, Survey Monkey Share new Standardized Assessment Options for OSY Plan Dissemination Event Plan for completion of current projects Discuss OSY definition and data accuracy Decide on Year 3 activities Provide networking opportunities and opportunities for technical assistance
SOSOSY Updates OME Monitoring NASDME presentations Survey Monkey for Piloted materials Youth Assessment Score Sheet-Math MATTERS ACReS online course – 6 units – Professional Development videos Year 3 Planning
Every state has been given access Professional development videos Support and questions User: academic PW: ACReS Online–Kelsey Williams
Website Discussion- Sonja Williams Review of survey data How can we improve the accessibility of our website? What changes do you recommend?
Goal: Improving the Website How is the website working? What are the positives? Are there any issues? Suggestions for improvement
Basic statistics
NC Staff Survey Information 35 surveys; 20 answered Still coming in!
Frequency of use
What is your major role in MEP? Other Roles: VISTA, OSY Coordinator, Lead Teacher
What kind of information do you look for on the SOSOSY website?
How easy is it to find what you are looking for on the SOSOSY website?
Which of the search features was most helpful?
Rating website features 1 “poor” for visual appeal; “fair” ratings for search (4), ease of use (3), organization (1), and value/relevance (1).
If you could do one thing to improve the SOSOSY website, what would it be? Making instructional material in general. Example: Some of the downloads are specific to a state. Can it just not made in general? Example: Instead of saying welcome to Georgia's Migrant Education Program, just say Welcome to the Migrant Education Program. Include links to Audacity, it is a program where changes can be made to audio and additional information about the current state can be added.
One change….. Nothing, it's great, always find what I'm looking for. Not that I can think of. Photos none Nothing I don't know that I have any standing to say change anything, but if I may encourage advertising the audio files of the ESL lessons more. Especially for any district that does not have an MEP or the Rosetta Stone. Pretty cool.
One change… Better pictures on the home page of actually OSY (the pictures seem generic) Online networking tools like contact information for people working with OSY around the country---or maybe some sort of log of statistics of which states or counties are visiting the page.. It would eventually be great to have more work samples or videos or products of what people have been done. At NASDME I attended a workshop about digital storytelling with OSY. They had the interview q's used, the display materials, pictures of their exhibit, etc. Instructions on how to do activities like that, or work samples/products of activities would be great. Also, materials on goal setting used with OSY and other materials in that secret OSY consortium train the trainers book would be great to share!!
One change… I think the website is very organized and the information is clear. I can't think of anything that I would change. Pages are too hard to follow; some material is out of date Happy with information that we have. Just have to learn how to use it with ease.
Takeaways…. Extend survey to other consortium and non- consortium states. Search, visual appeal, and ease of use had the lowest rankings. Considerations: – Recruiters are using the most, but the most visited information is about teaching. – Photos and artwork – Samples and instructions for use – Audio files
OSY Standardized Assessments– Brenda Pessin List of standardized assessment options for OSY Used to determine where a student should begin (programmatically or instructionally) Contains the following information for each assessment: 1.Type of student 2.Content of Test and Skills Assessed 3.Test procedures 4.Test components 5.Training for testers 6.Advantages/disadvantages for MEP
Dissemination Event Planning Preconference Keynote speaker Determine what topics we want for the following: – Instruction/Curriculum – Assessment/ Partners – Technology – Identification and Recruitment – Support Services/ Other
TST Work Groups Training Work Group Mentoring Work Group Curriculum and Materials Work Group ID&R Work Group/ State Case Study Work Group Technology Work Group
Assignments Provide a written summary of your group’s main goals for your time together Need to include specific deadlines for Tracie
Assignments Mentoring Detailed plan for SOSOSY 101 Review of mentoring evaluations Plan for next year and continuation of support Timeline with deadlines included
Assignments Training Regional Support- provide a list of states and their assigned training mentor Detailed list of professional development for trainers Include topics, dates, and lead person
Assignments Curriculum/Materials Review Equity Panel comments and make determinations Provide detailed story boards for professional development videos and deadlines Determine focus of ALRC developed video Next steps
Assignments ID&R Finalize all ID&R Competency assessments Draft Advanced ID&R Competency assessment Decide on how maps will be used
Assignments OSY Case Studies/Continuum of Services Determine focus of group’s work Review OSY Plan Template and determine what questions should be addressed Review proposed activity list for Year 3
Assignments Technology Detailed plan of focus for each of the areas assigned Timeline with deadlines included
Meeting Planning Winter meeting Proposed dates – January Charleston, SC Spring meeting Proposed dates – April Santa Fe,NM
Agenda May 9 OSY Data Update- Brenda Pessin, Barbie Patch, Kathleen Bibus, Emily Hoffman and John Farrell Year 3 Planning Discussion - Susan Duron Report out on work group progress Group feedback and discussion Wrap-up and meeting adjourns at 12:00 pm
Using Data Effectively How do we ensure that: OSY are properly coded and reflected in state and national MEP data? We are communicating the most accurate data among ourselves to assist with ID&R and provision of services to OSY?
Data Questions How do we ensure that we are communicating among ourselves the most accurate data? How do we ensure that national reporting is accurate?
SOSOSY Year 3 Plan Basics Purpose: Respond to the change in the maximum project period for the MEP CIG program from 2 to 3 years Procedure: Submit a plan by 6/1/14 listing the “activities each CIG State will accomplish during a third year of funding, including the evaluation activities” Requirement: Submit a final APR by 12/30/15 that covers all 3 year of SOSOSY
Let’s Review the Plan!
Goals of the Year 3 Plan 1) Put an infrastructure in place to continue the work of the CIG 2) Develop, monitor, and assess the quality of implementation of CIG activities 3) Provide staff development to build State capacity 4) Disseminate successful and promising practices; share lessons learned
(1) Key Features of the Plan Focus on implementation Critical review of materials and revision of existing SOSOSY products Development of tools to measure the quality of SOSOSY materials implementation through observing and rating using a QII Other ideas to focus on implementation?
(1) Other Ideas
(2) Key Features of the Plan PD to support SOSOSY products/practices Delivered through models such as TOT, TA “triage”, webinars, and state/regional training events Topics include ACReS, overcoming ID&R challenges, concrete learning strategies for OSY, etc. Other PD ideas?
(2) Other Ideas
(3) Key Features of the Plan Enhancements to existing materials through technology and supports for trainers Examples of lesson plans and unit plans Short training videos to model how to implement and use instructional techniques followed by time for student and practice Expanded content-based assessments Expanded TA network Other enhancement ideas?
(3) Other Ideas
(4) Key Features of the Plan Cross-training with other CIGs Feature SOSOSY-developed materials during joint dissemination webinars, SST and TST meetings, conferences, etc. Other cross-training ideas?
(4) Other Ideas
(5) Key Features of the Plan OSY-specific management tools Continuum of services and solutions to address the diverse situations faced (Continuum of Services Matrix) Management tools for OSY program administration (Program guide, how-to handbook, job-specific briefing cards) Clear descriptions/definitions of OSY Other management tool ideas?
(5) Other Ideas
And now... The SOSOSY Goals, Measurable Objectives, Activities, Performance Measures, CIG States Responsible, and Timelines Chart
T H E Chart The chart represents the project design Four goals 1) Review and revise materials 2) Provide PD and TA to support teachers and administrators who serve OSY 3) Disseminate effective/promising practices 4) Increases services to OSY and increase the achievement of participating OSY
Activity In your small group, Review your assigned goal. Identify a recorder/reporter. Record your group’s recommendations for edits, additions, deletions, enhancements, etc. Write directly on your page. You have 20 minutes. Post your page when finished.
De-brief on the Project Activities
Evaluation Activities Includes a Final APR on all 3 years (formative and summative evaluation of project goals plus the GPRAs Includes a chart on SOSOSY intended outcomes, measures, and the qualitative and quantitative data to be collected Includes a data collection tools chart
What’s on the Horizon? Dissemination Event planning Year 3 Finalization Mentoring work Trainer support via webinars and other just-in-time professional development Integration of technology New ID&R tools Professional development for instructional support